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I had been driving for hours. The weather was not on my side, and I was taking a wild guess where exactly this safe house was. I drove straight from Powells to the other address. I don't want the Petrov's getting to Canada. I'll lose them forever. They must have something big planned if they're leaving for a while.

It was the middle of the night when I pulled up to a piece of land a few miles off of a highway exit. I decided to leave my car and take the road by foot. I had no idea what I was walking into. When I got closer to something that looked like an abandoned manufacturing building I slowed down. The second and third story windows were busted, but the first floor of the building looked functional. Near the back of the building I saw a group of men loading up SUV's. They were definitely Petrov's men. I saw four at the car, three at the front entrance and however many were with Nikolas and Dominic.

I wanted to remain unseen for as long as possible. I had a better chance of taking out the men by the car and heading to the entrance. I wouldn't be able to fight off all of them. Once I was spotted I was on borrowed time. I ran over to the car, screwed on my silencer and waited for two of them to head back to the building. When it was just the driver and the man loading I took my shot. The driver was taken care of, and had drawn attention to the man at the back. Before he could get to the window to see what was wrong I shot him in his neck. He fell to the ground quietly, and I waited for the other two men to get back.

When they did I shot both of them in the back while they brought over the bags. They had no time to react with the bags still in their hands. I waited until I stopped seeing movement from the four men then I headed around to the front.

I knew I would be less lucky with the group watching the entrance. I was fast, but their response time could give them enough time to alert the others. It was time to quit stalling. I got as close to them as I could using the darkness to my advantage. I slid out my knife, keeping it rested on my back under my shirt. I shot the tallest guy first, aimed for the second and watched as the third attempted to radio his men. I missed the third guy as he ran into the building. That was it, my cover was blown. I ran into the building after the man.

"Boss!" I heard the man shout. I turned the corner into the first room and found it empty. I followed the man's voice to the back of the building. His scream echoed in the stairwell and brought two more men down to the first floor. I shot the third man finally, and took out both men with one bullet. I watched one of the men gasp for air as his lungs started to fill with blood. I took the gun off of him, and walked up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs I was knocked back. Someone had hit me in my chest knocking the wind out of me. Suddenly a hand grabbed my hair and pulled me back up the stairs. He held my hair as he kicked my stomach, and struck me with the back of his gun. He split open my eyebrow, and finally let go.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled at him.

He lunged forward trying to land another punch. I leaned to the right, grabbing his shoulder as he missed. I overextended his shoulder and watched him fall to the ground. I twisted my leg over him, and watched him struggle to get free. I kicked him in the face, turned his body away from me, and snapped his neck.

I was running out of energy. I really hoped that was the last of Petrov's men, but I was wrong. More kept coming. How did they keep repopulating? I swear I had to kill some of these bastards twice. Finally the men stopped coming. I had a chance to look around the building. I made my way up to the third floor, and found a painter's lamp in the distance. I saw three men standing behind a tarp. Before I could walk through the tarp a sharp punch hit my ribs. I looked down and saw a knife hanging out of my side. I turned around and aimed my gun at the man who stabbed me. That alerted the three men in the room in front of me. Two turned, and one man raised his gun. I slid my clip down and saw I had just used my last bullet. Perfect. I made it all this way just to lose.

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