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I woke up with a killer headache and someone pounding on my door. I looked at the clock on my alarm and saw it was already 2 in the afternoon.

"Theo, wake up!" I heard Gio yelling.

I stumbled to my door ready to beat the shit out of Gio for waking me up.

"What!" I yelled.

"It happened again. The warehouse. Someone tried to burn it down." Gio blurted out.

"And?!" I asked.

"Well the guys watching the warehouse got the fire out before it blew up the inventory, but we only caught one of the guys who started the fire. One got away and one was shot down. The only thing we know for sure is that it's the same people who attacked the house." Gio said, catching his breath.

"Where is the man we caught? Is he saying anything?" I asked him.

"No, Lorenzo sent him to the basement with a few guys, but he isn't saying anything. They think he's close to cracking though." Gio told me.

"Alright tell my dad I'll be down in a few, I'll meet him in his office." I instructed him. He gave a nod and then ran down the hall.


When I got to the office I saw Dad and Marcus looking through the warehouse footage. "Where's Charlie and Amelia?" I asked.

"I sent them to follow Dominic. I'm hoping that losing two of his men will piss him off. They are following him to see if he leads us anywhere of value." Dad said.

"Look at what they did last night." Marcus said to me.

"They have to have someone working tech. They bypassed the security system. That's how they've been getting in. They shut us down, so it looks like everything's normal. It isn't until someone hears or sees them do our guys even realize something is wrong." Marcus explained.

"Dominic definitely has someone doing his dirty work for him. Nikolas or Dominic wouldn't risk losing their own men like this. This is bigger than just the Petrov's. They have built a whole army under our noses. We had no idea this whole time." My dad said.

"The guy downstairs is our only lead unless Charlie and Amelia find something." Marcus said.

Suddenly Alfie ran into the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but look!" He pulled out his laptop and threw it infront of us.

"When Amelia first started we tried figuring out how they were getting into the warehouses and which warehouses they decided to pick. We thought it was just a lottery until last night. She had me pull up data on all of the systems. They've been tracking us this whole time. They knew our entire schedule. Just like last night they would hack the system, and wait for a warehouse rotation to end, or for a small shift night. They have been watching who knows how many of our buildings for months. This bug tracks back way before the first attack!" Alfie explained.

"Shit!" Dad yelled, throwing a chair across the room.

"We have to start from scratch. We have to assume every building has been compromised. I say we start over and rebuild our systems." Dad said.

"It will take some time, but I can make it work. Just give me a day or two, and I'll rewire everything." Marcus said heading out of the room with Alfie to go plan.

Dad looked back at the footage on the computer. "Theo I want you down in the basement. Think you can handle it?" He asked.

"I'm on it." I said to him with a smile.

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