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When Alfie walked into my place he found me lying in a pile of unpacked clothes, and empty suitcases.

"Ameliaaa!", he shouted, "We don't have time for this! I came to pick you up. Mr. Romano wants you at the house as soon as possible. What did you do all night?" he asked.

"I can't do it. Please just shoot me and leave me here to die." I begged.

"You're being dramatic. Amelia, I love you, but you need to pull it together. He's just a boy. Charming? Yes, but a boy all the same." He tried to explain.

"You don't get it Alfie. How am I going to live with him until you get better? You are making good progress, but it could take months. I had gone out of my way to avoid Theo, and he just got thrown into my life. I've been lying here thinking about how I'm the most unlucky person in the whole world. There are millions of people living in New York, and I hooked up with Theo Romano, underboss of the Italian Mafia." I grouched.

Alfie let out a chuckle and put his hands on his hips.

"OK, I get it. You like him. You don't care you hooked up with the mafia boss you're just pissed you ended up falling for him!" he grinned. "I can't believe it. Amelia Monet has a crush on Theo-"

Before Alfie could finish that sentence a heel went flying dangerously close to his head.

"I do not, you idiot. Take it back or I'll throw something heavier and this time I won't miss." I promised.

"Then prove it. If you insist you don't have a crush on him then pack these bags and walk your ass over to the Romano's house. Should be easy for someone with no feelings towards the owner of the house." Alfie dared.

Damn it. He was right, and the longer I sat here the longer he proved his point. I jumped up and started packing. Alfie told me what to bring and what to leave here. I hoped that I could come and go as I pleased with my place and the house, but Alfie said Mr. Romano was a big fan of lockdowns. It would be smarter to pack more just in case. I didn't know what the next few months looked like, but I wanted to be prepared. After packing clothes for any occasion, but mainly for training and working, I packed other essentials. I confirmed with Mr. Romano I was welcome to bring my own collection of weapons and resources. He agrees it would be smart to bring my own weapons I feel most comfortable with. As for my technology he told me there was a small office attached to my room that I could use to set up my devices. Mr. Romano spoke about his troubles of identifying who was in charge of the attacks and I knew my first mission would be to use my contacts and resources and figure that out for him.

Alfie and I had finished packing up the car. We managed to almost fill his SUV. There was barely enough room for both of us to head to the house.

"There will be people ready to help you unpack the car and get situated in your room when we get there. If there's anything you need help with, just ask. Mr. Romano treats his guests like royalty. He has already briefed his staff that they are at your disposal whenever you call." Alfie told me.

I just nodded as we drove further from the city into a quiet secluded neighborhood. The longer we drove the more extravagant the houses became. Just when I thought I had seen the most insane house the next one a mile down got bigger.

As if he could read my thoughts Alfie spoke, "It will take some time adjusting, trust me. After a while you forget how big the house actually is. Theresa does a great job making it feel cozy like a home".

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I just can't believe houses like these actually exist." I said.

Alife was right. When we pulled up to the house I couldn't believe my eyes. The gates opened, and it looked like we had driven into a gated neighborhood, not one house. The main house was beautiful, and the attachments paired well with the property. I felt like I was visiting the queen. The driveway up to the house felt like a ten minute drive. In front of the house stood a beautiful fountain, and entrance. When we had finally pulled up to the front doors Alfie called someone on his phone and three men ran out. They immediately started unpacking the car. I tried to help, but they wouldn't let me.

An older woman ran to the steps of the house. She gave a warm smile and a big wave. It had to be Theresa, Theo's mother. Now I knew where he got his smile from. She was beautiful.

"Hi there! You must be Amelia!" she excitedly shouted at me while I walked up the stairs. When I made it to the final step I was grabbed into a giant bear hug.

"Sorry", she chuckled, still hugging me, "I'm a hugger".

She pulled me back by my shoulders to get a good look at me. "Wow, you are more beautiful than Alfie described. I am so excited you've decided to come to work with us. Alfie promised you're the best. I am going to sleep so much better knowing you're here. If there's anything at all that you need please let me know."

"Thank you" I said. "Alfie has told me stories of just how amazing you are. He also might have hinted that you make the best brownies." We both laughed. "But seriously, thank you for welcoming me into your home".

"Come on in sweetie, I'll show you to your room."

Theresa spoke to me as we walked through the house, but I was too distracted by the inside of the house to even pay attention. It was gorgeous. She led me up a double staircase and down a hallway. We passed a lot of doors which I assumed to be offices and other bedrooms.

Finally, Theresa stopped in front of doors that had to be 20 feet tall. She led me into the room, and once again I was overwhelmed.

This one room was bigger than three of my apartments. In the middle sat a bed with rose gold pillars. One side of the room was designated for the closet and armoires. The other connected to a bathroom. To the left of my bed was a small door that I assumed would be my "office". My balcony overlooked a rose garden. The yard carried on longer than the naked eye could see.

"Please take your time unpacking. Dinner is at seven if you feel up to joining us. I'll introduce you to the rest of the family at dinner." Theresa said.

I gave her a smile as she left the door and started to unpack.

After unpacking my clothes and small personal items I moved to my office. I found a small desk and a table to set up my computers. I set a few files in my drawer along with a gun and a few other items.

I set up most of my computer system when I realized it was almost seven. I changed out of my moving clothes and changed into a casual green dress.

I almost got lost on my way to the dining hall, but found my way by following the loud conversations going on. Before turning the corner to the table I took a deep breath, and stepped into the room. 

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