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As comfortable and cozy as I felt lying next to Theo, I didn't want to be in Theo's room when he woke up. I was afraid he would ask questions about the night before, and he was the last person I wanted to talk about it with.I went back to my room and laid down for a few more minutes to process last night and the day ahead of me as I woke up.

Walking to the shower I made a plan for the day. It was time that I gave the Romanos some answers. I had to figure out who was trying to hurt them.

Whoever the Romanos had pissed off weren't going to stop their attacks, and I had a feeling the attacks were only going to get worse and more aggressive. I had gotten lucky with the twins last night. The next time someone comes to hurt us it might not end in my favor.

I had studied the letters, but gotten nowhere with them. The letters might have something to do with the attacks, but they weren't going to be helpful in finding the person responsible.

After my shower I headed down to visit Lorenzo. I found him in an office similar to the one at the other house, just smaller. He looked up from his desk and asked how I was doing.

"I'm doing better." I said.

"Lorenzo, I need to go back to the house. The men that attacked the house were looking for something. I ran into them before they were able to find it. We got nothing on identification on the guys so this is our only option." I told him.

"Theo already had men checking the house last night. They couldn't find anything out of place. It would be a waste of your time." He said.

"Please, just give me an hour. If I don't find anything I'll come back here and we can try something else."

"Fine. But take Theo with you. I don't want anyone traveling alone right now." He said.


I found Theo in the kitchen.

"Let's go." I said as I grabbed his car keys from the counter, and threw them at him.

"Where?" He asked.

"Back to the house." I said as I put on the jacket Sophia had lent me. Theo put his coffee cup in the sink and followed me to the garage.

"Tell me everything you know about your family and the Russians." I said to Theo as he drove.

"There's not much to tell. We haven't had issues with them since the 80's. The romanos and the Petrov's were close. Our grandfathers worked together to build an empire in New York. Everything was fine until the turf war. The Russians wanted to expand up North where we had already settled down. There was an agreement. We would take the north and the Petrov's could have everything on the East Coast and anything South of us. The Petrov's began pushing their limits with us. Dominic Petrov had just taken over for his father, and went power hungry. He challenged my Grandpa to a war. My Grandfather afraid to go to war with the Russians, did what he could to appease Dominic. Eventually Dominic had enough of my grandfather's games and killed him. It shocked everybody. In his early twenties my dad had to take over for my father. My grandfather had done everything he could to avoid a war, but now it was inevitable." Theo told me.

"My dad wanted payback for my Grandpa, so for a year he played Dominic's game. It got us nowhere. Death after death, nothing had been resolved and the Russians had failed to take over the North from us. My dad gave the Russians one last chance to surrender. Of course they refused, so my dad crashed an event being held by the Petrov's around Christmas." Theo paused before continuing.

"There were only a few people who made it out alive. Dominic died, and so did his wife and only daughter. After that brutal attack the Russians surrendered. Dominic's youngest brother was forced to take over as boss. He did his best to make amends with my Father. After signing a new treaty between the Romanos and the Petrovs we haven't had any issues. My dad and Nikolas keep to their business, and stay out of each other's way." Theo finished explaining.

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