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This was a mistake. I didn't have the training. I didn't know what it would be like to work with the Romanos, I was completely unprepared, plus I didn't have an outfit for dinner. All of the signs told me to stay home, but I couldn't. Alfie needed me.

Screw it, this job will look good on my resume. Alfie always says protection is way easier than my work. It sounds like he has been treated well, and it won't last forever. Eventually Alfie would heal, and I could get back to traveling and my regular clients.

After weighing the pros and cons, and asking the universe for a sign I began to get ready. I had a few hours before I needed to be at Luna's. I quickly gave my hair a curl. The curls fell loose on my back. I pinned a few small pieces back in an attempt to look more professional, and to keep my hair out of my eyes. Makeup was light. Eyes, brows, a little concealer, blush and a subtle bronzer. I finished with a warm pink gloss on my lips. I wasn't making any attempt to stand out at this dinner.

I paced back and forth in my closet trying to decide what to wear. "What do people wear to an interview with the Italian Mafia Boss?" I asked myself. A blazer? Or is business casual attire not the dress code when murder and drugs are involved? Why was I nervous? It was just Alfie and his boss. This was just a regular client, nothing to get all frazzled about or over think. Keep it simple Amelia. There has to be at least one classy and professional dress in this closet.

I settled on a simple light blue knee length dress. The straps were thin, and the dress hugged me a little tight, but it relaxed at the waist. It's heavy fabric flared out. I wanted to be comfortable at this meeting and anything tight fitting just didn't feel right given the occasion.

I put on simple diamond earrings and my mothers vintage rose gold and diamond necklace. I put on my light blue matte heels that matched the dress I was wearing. While packing my purse for the evening I decided a gun might be a little too dramatic for a dinner, so I settled for my small pocket knife. I couldn't run the risk of leaving it in my purse or getting it taken away from me so I set it high up on the left of my thigh. I packed only the essentials, work phone, my work book, and my keys. I was running out of time to make it to the restaurant on time, so before I found the courage to cancel I ran out of my apartment.

The cab drive to the restaurant was slow, I had lived in the city for years and still dreaded the traffic congestion. When I pulled up to Luna's I was quick to get out of the cab, but halted at the entrance. I could turn back now. The Romanos would never know I was here. I could climb back into another cab and drive off. My dream was cut short when I heard someone calling my name. It was Alfie. He was waiting for me in the foyer of the restaurant. He was dressed in a clean, black suit and a simple black tie. He had taken the time to do his hair, which was an uncommon sight for Alfie. I had never seen him looking so professional before, I almost chuckled at the sight.

"Amelia, let's go, they've just sat down and are waiting for you." Alfie said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the restaurant. Alfie was rushing me to the back of the restaurant quickly trying to go over as many rules as he could with me before we got to their private room.

"Alfie, I got it. Calm down. It may shock you, but I'm not an idiot. I've had dinners with clients before. You don't have to worry about me. I'll remember my manners, keep my cool. Just relax." I reassured him. I looked around at the busy restaurant around me. Waitresses were dashing to bring orders to the kitchen, customers at tables were sipping wine, enjoying their evening. The chefs could be seen in the back yelling orders to their staff. I took one more look at the restaurant before Alfie knocked on the door, waiting to be let in.

"Come in." I heard a man with a thick Italian accent say.

Alfie slowly opened the door and held it open as I walked in.

I saw a man and his son sitting at the table. That must be the oldest of his children, the one Alfie warned me about.

He had yet to turn around to face me, but there was something about his posture, and his curly hair that reminded me of someone. I tried to figure it out. Maybe I had worked for this man before, maybe he was an old client, or someone I crossed paths with working for Alfie.

It wasn't until the man turned around that I remembered where I knew him from.


I was paralyzed. Unable to take another step into the room. This wasn't happening. This was a nightmare, a prank. Yeah, it had to be a prank. Alfie was pulling a prank on me, there was no other explanation to what was happening at this very moment. I looked back at Alfie hoping there was a smile on his face, and he would jump out and scream "gotcha" or something, but Alfie looked serious, he wasn't pulling a prank. This was actually happening to me.

Shit. I had to get out of here. I had spent the past few weeks daydreaming about running into him again. I always thought I'd run into him in another bar, or walking down the city. No scenario involved dinner with a Mafia Boss.

I was too afraid to look up, afraid I would lock eyes with him. Afraid that if I looked up at him my knees would give out again, and I would get those butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

"Miss. Monet, it's a pleasure" I heard Mr. Romano say as he walked towards me for a handshake. When I looked up to greet Mr. Romano, he was already staring. He looked confused, angry maybe? No, just confused. I was right, those warm eyes were burning right through me.

"The pleasure is all mine." I said as I snapped back to reality and the situation at hand. I let Mr. Romano lead me to my seat and I sat down. After sitting I gave Alfie a look of dread that screamed "Get me out of here," but it only confused him, and he brushed it off. It wasn't until I sat down did I realize that he was still standing. He hadn't broken his gaze, but his confused expression had turned into one of amusement. This was karma for all my sins. This was the universe's sick attempt at revenge.

After sitting in a suffocating silence for what seemed like 12 years, Alfie finally spoke.

"Let me introduce you to Miss Amelia Monet. I am confident that she is the best fit for the business and taking over my responsibilities." Alfie said as he spoke to Mr. Romano.

"Amelia, this is Lorenzo and Theo Romano." Alfie informed me.

"Amelia was it? What a beautiful name, it's a pleasure to meet you." He finally spoke staring down at me with that dumb devil grin of his. That dumb, fire burning, mesmerizing smirk.

It took all the strength I had in me to give a small smile and shake his hand. 

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