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The past few days it seemed as if everything had returned to normal. Shortly after the safe house Dominic was showing up at the bookstore again. Gio and Charlie were busy following him. I stayed around the house working with Alfie. Dominic was clearly upset over what we had done, but we thought it would be awhile before he attacked again. We hurt his resources, and we used that to our advantage. Lorenzo stayed one step ahead of the Petrov's.

Tonight while all of us were at dinner Gio entered the dining room and asked to speak to Lorenzo. He was anxious. I looked at Theo, but he also had no idea what Gio needed to see Lorenzo about. Theo and I stayed close to Lorenzo's office in case he needed us. Shortly after Gio left Lorenzo asked to see me in his office.

Theo walked with me into the office, but Lorenzo stopped him.

"I'd like to talk to her alone." Lorenzo said.

That made me nervous. I thought Lorenzo and I were good. Theo stepped back, and continued to wait in the hallway. I followed Lorenzo to the chairs near his bookcase. He waved his hand prompting me to have a seat.

"I owe you an apology Amelia." He said.

"An apology for what?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid I have not been completely honest with you." He said. "I'll admit Alfie's kind words about you were encouraging, but it was only a small factor in my decision to hire you. I've been a part of this world for a long time now, Amelia. I have made a lot of friends, and enemies in this business. I want you to know it was never my intention to get you involved like this."

I looked at him with concern, and confusion. He continued to speak, "I had hoped that this information wouldn't be shared with my family until you were ready to talk about it, but it seems that we are out of time."

"Lorenzo, what is going on? Just say it."

"Gio found who the Petrov's are working with Amelia." He handed me a file. "I'm sorry."

I grabbed the file and flipped it open. In the file were photos of a man I thought I'd never have to see again. Xavier Barboza.

I froze in my seat, unable to process what I was looking at. In the photos sat Dominic and my father. They looked like old friends at a reunion. This was impossible. Dominic despised my father. He hated the man. He would never stoop so low to work with Barboza.

"Lorenzo..." I spoke without looking up from the photos. "This whole time. You knew who I was this whole time? And you never told me?" I asked.

I looked up at him, and for maybe the first time ever, Lorenzo was the one who looked afraid. He didn't say anything. He just sat there and let me process what was happening.

"These photos have to be old photos. There is no way in hell Dominic would work with Xavier Barboza." I said.

"Those photos were taken this morning by Gio." Lorenzo said. "It explains the volume of the attacks, and where Dominic is getting his men from."

The room was starting to spin. I thought I was going to be sick.

"Does- Does he know? Does he know who I-" I asked, trying to get the words out.

"No, I don't think so. I've never talked to Theo about it. As far as I know he thinks you're just Amelia Monet." Lorenzo said.

"But you knew, and that's why you hired me?" I asked

"I knew who you were from the beginning. Ever since Alfie mentioned you. I knew you were the best at your job, and I knew that with your history, and skills you were the best fit to protect my family." Lorenzo tried to explain.

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