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"Here we are!" Tengen exclaimed as the hashira stopped in front of the club (or whatever it was called back then)

"Yes! finally!" yelled an excited Mitsuri who then proceeded to take Obanai's arm and drag him towards the entrance, the rest of the pillars following in suit. 

Akari expected nothing more when she heard the not-so-loud music coming from the small bar. In Tokyo, the clubs were big, with blaring music and hundreds of lights, so this was definitely a change for the young Takahashi.

"Bet this isn't what you're used too huh?" Someone whispered, their hot breath fanning her neck.

"Yeah, kinda." The redhead chuckled sheepishly at the white-haired male beside her.

"But tonight you're gonna have much more fun than any of your city clubs."

"Oh? and why is that?" She asked smirking cockily. How could she not?

"Because then you didn't have me" Sanemi whispered huskily against her ear, his lips brushing over her lobe ever so lightly, sending cold shivers down her spine.

"We'll see about that" she replied, trying not to stutter.

"Trust me, you'll do more than just seeing" He chuckled darkly before moving away, leaving the Akari looking like a beetroot.

She was glad Giyuu was too occupied getting adjusted to the group of people who had come to the bar.

The water pillar did in fact, hate crowds. He didn't want to be there. But he didn't want to leave Akari alone with pillars. Hell, he wanted her all to himself and seeing the way the three certain hashira responded to her attention being on him on the way here, he knew it wouldn't be easy.

He turned around to see Sanemi move a step back from Akari, a smug look on his face while she looked a little embarrassed.

But before Giyuu could ask what the matter was, he was dragged deeper into the crowd by Rengoku.

They settled on the stools of the bar with Akari sitting in between Kyojuro and Shinobu again, much to Giyuu's dislike.

"Oi! Stop scrunching your face up like that," An amused Sanemi said. "You look even more like an asshole. If that's even possible."

"Well, you look like a half-witted hedgehog." Giyuu retorted "So if I were you, I'd stop worrying about me."

"You motherfucker!!" Sanemi bellowed. Quietly though.

"I assure you I have fucked no mothers. " Giyuu continued in his monotone, acting horrified at how the male could accuse him of such deeds. He wondered why he was talking back, usually, he would just ignore him. Maybe it was the atmosphere.

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now