Hot Springs And Girl Talk

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Akari slipped into the steamy hot water, leaning against the wall of the hot spring. Soothing her aching muscles and letting out a sigh of satisfaction before turning to the pink and green-haired female beside her.

"Isn't it just refreshing?!" Mitsuri giggled, scooting closer to the sun hashira.

"Yes, it is" The redhead mumbled. She was too busy enjoying the moment.

"So long day at work?" The love pillar questioned, hands stealthily moving to the other girl's shoulder, massaging as softly as she could, given her inhumane strength.

Akari all but moaned. Damn, Mitsuri was good. 

Relaxing, the hashira didn't really want to reply, rather she wanted to simply enjoy the girl's company. But up till now, Akari had never managed to ignore the cheery female. Mitsuri was so sweet and reliable, she felt like she could tell her every secret and still wouldn't be judged. She wasn't the love hashira for nothing.

"More like a long day after work. I spent hours trying to get away from Hayashi. That man can run." She chuckled. "Those swordsmiths really do give us a headache"

"But we love them anyway" Mitsuri truthfully finished. 

Akari wondered if there was anyone the pink and green-haired girl didn't love. Except for the demons of course. 

The two hashira made small talk before finally reaching the topic the redhead dreaded, but she knew it was inevitable when talking to the love pillar.


"So, Akari-chan, do you have anyone you like?" Mitsuri asked eagerly, eyes full of expectations. She already had some people in mind.

" one...I don't like anyone. Why would I like someone? Hehe. Nope. Nobody. Hehe." After her stuttering session, she knew she had fucked up.

"You do know who you're talking to right?" The younger of the two laughed with her eyebrow raised.

"Ok fine, you got me!" Akari knew she wasn't getting out of this so why waste time refusing right? Besides she could use some help with Giyuu. She knew that even if Giyuu did like her back, he was not going to have the guts to ask her out first. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself.

"So who is it?! Rengoku-san? Or perhaps Shinazugawa-san? Wait a minute! It's Tomioka-san, isn't it?! Oh, you would make the cutest couple!" Misuri exclaimed happily.

Well, no need to tell her anything if she's going to figure it out by herself.

But at the mention of Kyojuro's and Sanemi's name, the redhead's cheeks turned pink. Her mind took her back to the night she had come back and the hashira had gone for drinks. She remembered Sanemi's husky voice and wet tongue that slid ever so sensually along her earlobe. The words he whispered while his hand went dangerously low. Her memory then turned to Rengoku. His slightly flushed cheeks and his fiery eyes that discreetly raked her body up and down with a look that screamed that he was ready to take her then and there. All while his fingertips brushed ever so slightly across her bare skin. His tempting lips as he moved forward, ready to devour her own plumb ones.

Her skin tingled at the thought of the two men, sending heat to her core, making her squirm in the water of the hot spring.


"Akari-chan? Akari-chan?! AKARI-CHAN!"

The older pillar snapped of her not so innocent daydream.

"S-sorry Mitsuri-chan, What were you saying?" Akari apologized, face matching the color of her hair now.

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