Fire And Sun

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When Giyuu woke up, Akari was inserting her sword into her belt

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When Giyuu woke up, Akari was inserting her sword into her belt. She smiled at him when she heard him shuffling.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

He gave her a slight grin before getting out of bed. He came up behind her and encircled his arms around her waist. Laying his head on her shoulder, he asked, "Where are you going?"

"A mission." She turned around and hugged his neck. "I have to leave at the earliest."

He nodded. "I'll walk u to the gate."

At the entrance of the Water Estate, under the eyes of the observant young maids, the two hashira stood hand in hand.

"Maybe... If you're free, we could go to see Gion Matsuri?" Akari looked up at him hopefully.

"I'd like that." He tucked her bangs behind her ears and traced her jawline, cupping her face at the end.

Their lips met in a tender kiss. She would never get over how he blushed everytime they made any intimate contact, even after they had gone all the way last night.

"I love you." Giyuu gave her another peck.

"I love you more"

"Not possible."

"Very possible."


A smile dances on her lips the entire journey to the designated village. Not even the endless cawing of her crow could dampen her spirits.

The sun had retired past the horizon when she found the demon she was hunting in the woods by a cave. It was munching on something, and the sounds of wet squelching and chewing of bones echoed through the cavern's walls.

Akari ignored the pungent smell and walked forward, not bothering to silence her movements. She could smell the aura of the demon, it was strong. She could take it down in thirty seconds.

Hearing her footsteps, the demon turned around, its yellow eyes gleaming in the dark. Its skin was deathly pale and dark patterns swirled and curved beautifully on its face. It was female. She would've called it pretty if not for the blood dripping down its fanged mouth.

It lunged at her, claws drawn and teeth bared. She expected it just to start fighting but instead, it sang in a dreamy voice,

"Blood Demon Art: Whispering Feathers."

A flock of magnificent birds flew out from behind it, immediately encasing Akari in a fog of colour. The birds were... singing? They whispered soft melodies and she felt as if she was in a mother's warm embrace.

She supposed it was to make her fall unconscious. But it had no effect on her, at least not yet. And she wasn't planning on standing there any longer.

"Hi no kokyū: ni no kata, Heki-ra no Ten!"

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now