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Warning: NSFW ahead. (This is the first and last time I'll put warnings for a chapter.)

"Oi! What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Hanase!" Akari pulled at Sanemi's arm, weakly objecting to him dragging her across the bar.

"I'd like to ask you the same question"

"That's none of your business, you hedgehog!"

Sanemi stopped for a second, Giyuu's words coming into mind.

"And you're a half-witted hedgehog. So if I were you, I'd stop worrying about me."

Grunting at the fact the girl he liked and the boy he hated called him the same thing, he vigorously stomped to a dark corner, taking the stumbling hashira with him.

Her whining stopped when he grabbed her waist, pushing her up against a wall and trapping her between his arms. Towering over her, he glared. Hard enough to make her wince slightly, a wild blush taking over her skin at their intimacy.

When he looked down at her, the only thing he could think about was how much he wanted to fuck her senseless. And an entire fantasy began taking place in his head. 

Oh yes, he'd tie her hands using her belt, bite her beautiful skin so hard, that the marks would be there for weeks, reminding her of who she belonged to whenever she looked at herself. Yes, that sounded nice.

Then he'd make her address him as sir or maybe master . He imagined how she would beg him to slow down, but that'd only make him go faster, become more aggressive. With their stamina, he would keep her awake all night and-

"Shinazugawa-san?" She whispered, breaking him out of his wicked thoughts.

Shaking his head, he decided he was not going to restrain himself. 

He was drunk. She was drunk. They probably wouldn't remember anything in the morning. Might as well make the most out of it right?

The pillar smashed his lips against Akari's, immediately starting to pull and suck. She tried to push him away, clearly rejecting his advances. But Sanemi wasn't able to register that fact in his lust-filled state. All he knew was that he wanted to feel good, and that the person in front of him was the only way to do that.

The sun pillar's protests died out very soon as the male forcefully entered his tongue into her mouth, fighting her own. He smirked when Akari started to kiss him back, his desire only growing. He pushed his body against her smaller one.

"Ca- can't b- breathe" She mumbled out, panting heavily when he finally broke away, a string of saliva connecting their lips.

He didn't want to stop kissing her lips, but he moved to her neck anyway, biting and licking the flesh. Akari seemed to be doing her best to be quiet, something that Sanemi did not appreciate. He bit down even harder on her sensitive spot, somewhere behind his twisted mind, he wished the other hashira would hear the sinful sounds the girl was making.

He thought of the water pillar, and he wanted Giyuu to see the looks his precious best friend was making as he grinded on her, the alcohol seemed to have made them hypersensitive. He felt like he was beating the raven-head every time he groped the female. Her ass, her breasts, they were all his right now and he planned on having her to the fullest.

His hands were working on the first button of her blouse when he heard someone call their names.

"Akari-chan?! Shinazuga-" A high-pitched female voice froze as her eyes landed on the sweaty couple. It took a moment before she hid her beet-red face in her hands, almost screaming,

"Ah! I'm so sorry! Please! Continue! I was just worried since you were gone for so long! But now I know that you're fine, I'll go! Sorry!"

"Yeah whatever, get lost."

"Hai!" The pink head saluted before turning on her heel.

"Sanemi! No, wait, Mitsuri! It's not what it looks like, we-"

"It's exactly what it looks like."



"Ugh, Mitsuri, please, please don't tell anyone" Akari pleaded.

"Why not? She should tell everybody."


The love pillar looked back and forth at the two arguing. She didn't understand why though. If they liked each other then what was all the fuss about? Maybe Akari wanted to keep their relationship a secret?

'Were they in a relationship all this time? No, then Shinazugawa-san wouldn't have... What's going on?' She thought as the sun and wind hashira rambled on.

"Um...Hey...Look...I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. If you want to keep your relationship private then it's none of my business. Don't worry, your secret's safe with me!" She reassured them, honestly just wanting to get away from the embarrassing scene.

"Really? Arigato gosaimasu!" Akari bowed 90 degrees, practically shouting her gratitude.

"Tch, whatever" Sanemi sighed before walking back to their group. 

The redhead sighed as she pulled out a stool from somewhere, watching the male's retreating figure. She felt completely sober right then.

"Hey, you ok?" The love pillar asked, concern evident on her feminine features.

"More or less." Akari chuckled, face still flushed from her 'encounter' with the white-haired male.

"If I remember this tomorrow, I'm never talking to him again."

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A/N: Hey!

A short chapter, gomen.

I've decided to include a fact about Akari at the end of each chapter called Hashi jijitsu. Btw, what do u guys think of her character?

Tell me, where are u guys from?

Hashi jijitsu: Akari is almost 5'6 (yes, finally an own character who isn't short) and weighs 55 kg/121 lbs.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and add to your libraries! Constructive criticism is always welcome.

Bye loves!

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