A Proper Gift

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His lips felt chapped and rough, and the aggressive way he was kissing her was as if he was unloading years of pining onto her. (which he was.)

But she found that she didn't mind. She didn't think her lips were plump and soft like a girl her age should be anyway.

Sanemi was tenacious, he broke apart and met her lips again in messy, slippery encounters.

"Shinazu-mpf..... mmmm.... wait a sec-agh"

She was out of breath and so was he. But Sanemi didn't seem to care. Their tongues battled in a fiery dance, with neither of them submitting.

Akari felt the counter behind her and hopped onto the cool wood. She immediately encircled his waist with her legs and pulled him closer.

A second later, they were ripping at each other's clothes. Sanemi undid her obi with suspicious expertise while Akari pulled his already open uniform down his shoulders.

Before he could kiss her again, Akari attached her lips to his neck, repaying for everything he gave her in the bar that night. for a split second, she remembered those stunning rainbow eyes but was soon distracted by the hands that gripped and caressed her waist and lower back.

She teasingly placed butterfly kisses on his neck and Sanemi growled in impatience. Seemed like gentle was not the emotion he wanted this to be. She complied with his wishes and began to harshly suck on his collarbone and adam's apple, rewarding her with a shudder from the man.


"Sanemi." He corrected. He didn't want to be on the last name basis anymore.

"...Sanemi" The word seemed weird on her tongue. "We re-really shouldn't be doing th-this in your kitchen-hah ...of all places."

She was exploring his chest while she said this. There were so many scars.

Except, for her, they weren't just scars, they were medals that proved his devotion to what he did. They each told a story, of his bravery, of his determination, of his will. They were a part of him. 


"Anyone could see us- hey!." His hands had found their way to her clothed breasts.

"Shut up."

She looked up at him in annoyance. "We really shouldn't- "

She wasn't able to finish her sentence because he had grabbed her face and smashed their lips together in another heated kiss.

"I thought I told you to shut up, fucking hypocrite."

She really didn't like being told to shut up. The only person who had the authority to tell her to keep her mouth shut was her parents and well, Giyuu.

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