Family First Pt 2

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"Oh! Onee-san! Tomioka-san! Konnichiwa!" A voice yelled from behind.

The group turned around to face two boys. One with dark red eyes and another who had some mask on. Now that one really puzzled the Takahashis. (with the exception of Akari, obviously) 

'What... What is that?!' was the first thing that crossed their minds.

"Onee-san?! Tapioca?! FIGHT ME!!" The boar head screamed, causing Himari to flinch and cling onto her mother's kimono while the other two boys to look at him with the deepest intrigue. Yoshizo and his wife were perplexed by the sudden outburst. Never in their wildest dreams did they imagine that their daughter would have acquainted herself with such a... Creature. 

Although Inosuke had mispronounced their names, The Takahashis understood he was talking to the two hashiras in front of them. Their eyes then moved to Tanjiro who was trying to calm his friend down, though failing miserably. Inosuke marched towards the larger crowd, taking in all the red he could see.


The confusion only grew and Akari had to grab him by the shoulders to keep him from waving his sword at her father. Tanjiro was busy apologizing while Giyuu was... well... Giyuu

"Inosuke! calm down! This is my family!" The sun hashira tried to quiet down the gremlin.

"What?! Nee-san's family?! Then you must be worthy opponents! HA! FIGHT ME!"

Their dog sensing the negative atmosphere stood in front of the Takahashis in a protective stance, teeth bared. 

Giyuu watched the whole scene unfold, not moving an inch. This didn't concern him, he thought. He'd intervene if necessary though. His blue orbs took note of each movement anyone made.

The siblings were starting to get annoyed. Not because he kept challenging them but because Inosuke kept calling their sister 'nee-san'. It was selfish and unreasonable, they knew, but that still didn't stop them from gaining a disliking for the other two demon slayers.

Akari was their sister. And theirs alone. They didn't want random people calling her as if they knew her. It just wasn't done.

"OI!  stop calling her nee-san! She's not your sister!" Ichiro commanded, seconded by Kaito and Himari. Akari turned in their direction, a feeling of love emitting from her heart. 

After Inosuke finally grasped the situation, He stood by Tanjiro (who was still apologizing), arms crossed over his bare chest. Giyuu could tell this irritated Yoshizo, who seemed like a very disciplined man. He looked at Inosuke who had his shirt buttons undone in distaste. 

His eyes somewhat softened when he looked at Tanjiro, who was neat and clean. He seemed to have good manners too. But the first thing Yoshizo noticed was the hanafuda earrings that dangled from his ears. He turned to Akari in a questioning gaze while discreetly cocking his head towards the boy to which she replied with a nod.

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