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Akari tried her best to smoothen her hair and clothes before following Sanemi to his engawa. There was a lot of shouting going on.

"-you doing here?!" Sanemi looked ready to smack his little brother to Tokyo.

"O-onii-san, I was just-" Genya looked scared and guilty.

"Didn't I tell you to stop coming here? You can't be part of the Slayer Corps. You're too weak!"

"But I just w-wanted to w-wish you happy-" Genya struggled with his word as he tried to ignore the hurtful words the man he considered his idol was saying. 

"Shut up! And get out of here!"

"Nii-san, please!"

"I thought I said-" Sanemi moved forward to what Akari assumed was to kick him out. Literally.

But she didn't find out because her motherly instincts had kicked in. In a flash, she was in front of Genya with her hands stretched out. Her eyes glared. Her message was clear.

'Don't touch him unless you want a broken limb.'

So what if he had given her a very pleasurable 20 minutes?

But Sanemi didn't seem fazed by her intensity.

"Takahashi, move."

Leaning backward slightly, she whispered to the younger Shinazugawa, "On the count of three, we run. Got it?"

Geny's eyes gazed back at hers, but he was rigid. She took it he agreed.


Sanemi moved forward.


Genya swallowed soundly and took a step back.


Akari grabbed Genya by the hand and ran.

"Oi!" She could hear the wind hashira's footsteps behind them.

She didn't realize she was laughing or that Genya was admiring her, pink in the face. She skillfully skidded around a corner, dragging the boy along with her. Sanemi would have caught up with them if he hadn't crashed into a maid carrying cleaning supplies.

Without looking back, they both ran out of the Wind Estate into the small field of bamboo nearby.

Once satisfied with the distance they covered, Akari slowed and leaned on one of the bamboos.

"Phew! That was intense, huh?" Her smile dropped into confusion when he saw Genya's beet-red face, staring intently at something.

She followed her gaze to wear their hands were still clasped together.

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now