Hangovers and Embarrassments

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"Eight rooms" Sanemi slurred, smashing some money onto the counter

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"Eight rooms" Sanemi slurred, smashing some money onto the counter.

Deciding that everyone was too drunk to go home, they went up to the reception at a nearby inn to stay the night. 

Everyone was leaning on each other for support. Arms slung over shoulders and wrapped around waists. Rengoku and Akari clung to each other for balance. 

They were not doing a very good job.

"I'm sorry we only have 3 rooms left." The lady behind the desk looked up at Sanemi apologetically (and with a little fear.)

Those scars were not helping.

"What?! I want eight rooms. Kick someone out." The drunk Hashira shouted at the poor woman, making her cower.

"I'm afraid I can't do that sir. Would you like me to contact a nearby hotel to see if they have any room?" She said softly, afraid she would anger him again.

"Shinazugawa-san, it's okay. We can share." Rengoku mumbled. Quietly for once.

Sanemi contemplated for a second.

"Ugh, fine. Three rooms then."

The lady nodded quickly and handed him the keys, which he then gave two of them to Tengen and Obanai since they seemed to be the only ones that were not going to drop asleep right then and there. 

Carrying each other to their respective rooms, they didn't get a chance to figure out who would be sharing with whom.

Akari and Rengoku followed Sanemi to the farthest room while Giyuu and Shinobu were dragged to the nearest one by Tengen. Obanai and Mitsuri giggled their way into the one in the middle. 

And before they knew it, they were all out cold.


Akari woke up to bright sunlight hitting her face. 

She felt hot and her mind was still fuzzy. Her head throbbing. Only after a second did she feel the people on either side of her. Rengoku and Sanemi's bodies were pressed against hers, All three of them cuddling intimately.


Her face turned a bright shade of pink upon realizing her position. She was turned to her right, facing someone with unmistakably bright red and yellow hair. Her arm was hugging Kyojuro's neck, making him lean his face dangerously close. If she moved forward an inch their lips would touch. Her leg was thrown over his waist, and one of his arms held her in a comforting embrace over her shoulder.

 She would have moved away instantly but the presence behind made her unable to do so. Sanemi was hugging her tightly, his face buried in the crook of her neck and their legs tangled

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