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"I'll um... see you around, Kyo." 

Rengoku smiled softly and gave her a peck on her forehead. He hummed in response and watched her go until that blob of red hair could no longer be seen.

He ran a calloused hand through his vibrant hair, 'What are you doing to me, Ari.'


Akari straightened out her uniform for the fifth time that minute. As she trusted her feet to subconsciously take her back to her estate, she thought about the events that had transpired between her and a certain hashira that morning.

She honestly hadn't meant for any of it to turn out that way. But at that moment, all she saw was the man in front of her. One of the most constant figures in her life. She had known him for so long, did she always feel that way about him? Did he? What exactly did she even feel for him anyway? 

Delicate flowers from the Sakura tree floated down and landed on the wood panels of the Sun Estate Mansion.

The distant sound of laughter could be heard from the engawa of the Takahashi house. The adults shared snacks and news while watching their eldest children play in the beautiful garden.

Rengoku Ruka asked Takahashi Ren for some tips to maintain her garden back home while Ren amused her second child, little Ichiro. 

Rengoku Shinjuro discussed the events from the previous day with Takahashi Yoshizo. The new batch of swordsmen had looked promising.

The young parents turned their heads when a clear and high voice announced their arrival. Two children held each other's hands with serious looks on their faces.

"Yes, Kyojuro?" Shinjuro asked with amusement. There was definitely something the young friends had to say.

"Otou-san, Okaa-san, me, and Ari-chan have something to tell you." Little Kyojuro's eyes were as bright as the yellow sun above.

"What is it, my love?" Ruka encouraged the boy to continue.

"M-me and Ari-chan are getting married!"  He lifted their entwined hands as if to give proof.

There was a round of silence that passed before everyone burst into laughter. The kids looked at their parents in shock and then annoyment.

"Oi! What are you all laughing at?!" Little Akari yelled. Trying to look as intimidating as possible. "We're very serious! Just you wait, Come on Kyo-kun!"

She pulled the boy along with her and disappeared into the high walls covered with creepers. After a few minutes, they came running back and stood in front of them once more.

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now