The Demon Inside

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"Gomenesai, otou-san!"

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"Gomenesai, otou-san!"

An eight-year-old Akari stood behind Kyojurou, who was profusely apologizing to his father.

"How many times have I told you not to play near the flower pots? Your mother worked so hard on them." Rengoku Shinjurō berated, a training stick in hand.

Kyojurou asked for forgiveness once again. But both the children knew what was inevitably coming.

Shinjurō sighed, "Hold out your hand boy."

Kyojurou held out his small hands, a brave yet guilty expression on his face. His father raised the stick.

"Wait!" A blob of red hair ran in front of him. "I'm the one who told Kyo-kun to play there, so you should hit me, not Kyo-kun!"

"Akari-chan..." Shinjurō lowered his hand, looking uncertain. "I can't possibly-"

"Run!" Taking advantage of his momentary hesitation, Akari ran as fast as her stubby legs could go, Kyojurou behind her.

"Ari-chan, where are we going? He asked after they had slowed down to a jog.

She answered him only after they were in the safety of the tall bamboos. "Look here, Kyo-kun." She said with an expression too serious for her young face.

"From this moment onwards, I will always protect you. Forever! For... for more than forever! It's a promise!"

Kyojurou stood there stunned for a good three seconds before smiling wide showing his missing front incisor.

"And I'll protect you forever too! I promise!"

Akari grinned in childish superiority. "Hmpf! I don't need protection."

The blonde just smiled and held out his pinky to his best friend. She entwined hers with his.

"Ari-chan, let's become the bestest demon slayers and defeat all the demons together okay?"

'Ah.' Akari thought as she fell to the ground. 'Why am I thinking about that memory right now?'

Was it because she was dying? Or was it because the fact that Akaza was here with her meant that Kyojurou was dead?

Her vision blurred when her head was pushed to the ground. She choked out his name when she felt her arms being broken.


He was crawling towards her, a trail of blood behind him. She only felt her own tears when she saw him crying.

He was saying something, but she couldn't hear him. Her ears only recognized Akaza's infuriating laugh and Douma's sickening voice as he threw her limp body over his shoulder.

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now