Family First

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Akari facepalmed as she ran back into her house to get her forgotten toothbrush. 

She didn't know why but there would always be something she forgot while traveling somewhere. Today, she was going to see her family, having gotten permission from Oyakata-sama. Though she couldn't wait to see them, the redhead was upset with not being able to see Giyuu. He had been absolutely unavailable, no matter how hard she tried, the hashira couldn't get ahold of him.

Huffing with annoyance and looking at the ground, she bummed into someone, only to look up and realize it was the man she had been desperately wanting to see.


He looked as handsome as ever. Calm as the fields of heaven. One of the most precious and cherished things she held close to her heart.

 Her frown immediately turned into a bright smile. How could it not?


"Akari." he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, to which Akari replied by wrapping her arms around his waist. Giyuu stiffened before finally relaxing and returning the action. 

"Mother! Look! Look! Onee-san has found herself a husband!"

Takahashi Himari.

The high-pitched voice made the two demon slayers pull apart, and when they looked over to find the owner of that voice, that voice that made Akari's eyes widen in hope, they saw five figures walking towards them.

"Hush now, Himari. Don't be rude." An older woman, around her mid-forties, squeezed the young child's hand, telling her to quiet down. 

Takahashi Ren.

"EEWW!!" Two boys exclaimed with disgusted looks on their young faces.

"Boys." A man with flaming red hair warned. He had an incredibly deep voice that made the two of them shut their mouths quickly.

Akari was on the edge of tears. The sight of her family brought unexplainable joy to her heart and she bent down on one knee and held out arms to embrace the little boy and girl who were running towards her. 

But a furry ball of orange and white reached her first. The redhead was knocked down by her dog as he furiously licked her face, rendering her unable to say anything. But still she ruffled his fur, laughing as she did so.

"Haruto! Get off nee-san." The boy scolded the Shiba Inu, his emerald eyes sparkling with mischief.

Takahashi Kaito.

"Woof!" The canine barked as if saying that he still had much more licking to do, but was pushed aside by the children anyway.

"Himari! Kaito!" She welcomed her two siblings into a bone-crushing hug. "You've grown so much!" 

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now