Old Friends

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Akari had finally managed to get away from Mitsuri. Don't get her wrong, she loved the pink head, but sometimes she could be... A little overwhelming.

Right then, the sun hashira was scouting for a blue-eyed heartthrob (well, in her case anyway) while reviving some of the memories she had had at the headquarters.


"Akari!" Giyuu called from below the tree. "Can you please get down from there?"

"Oh, come on. Live a little. I'm just trying to get a better view. The sight is absolutely beautiful from up here." She laughed.

"Seriously, you're so gaiety, it's gonna be the death of you. And I'm not gonna come to your funeral." He threatened before climbing his way up.

"And you're too moody." The redhead stuck her tongue out at her best friend.

"We have a duty to protect humankind. We can't be sitting here dillydallying while lives are at stake." He started his daily lecture.

"But the sun hasn't even gone down ye-"

"We need to work together. And the basis of a relationship is trust. So do you have anything you want to say to m- oh." The twenty-year-old went silent as he looked at the view before him. 

He watched in awe at the Sakuras that bordered a canal on both sides. Its water looked a little pink because of the reflection of the petals on the trees. Mountains that had a slight bluish hue to them bordered the horizon with the sun peeping out from the peaks, ready for his rest.

"I suppose it is beautiful" Giyuu whispered, taking in the fresh air and sweet scent of their environment.

'You're beautiful' 

Akari thought as she admired the way his raven hair flew in the light breeze, his mesmerizing sapphire eyes, and the small smile he had on his lips. Everything about him was too much for her. He was so close, yet so far out of her reach. How could he be ever so clueless about the way she felt? A fact that was laying right in front of him. How could he not notice it? God, she was going to miss him.

"But I guess Tokyo's more beautiful huh?" He suddenly deadpanned.

The soon-to-be pillar's eyes widened. Shit. She was going to tell him. She might have been stalling, but it was only because she didn't want to upset him. Guess she didn't have to worry about breaking the news to him anymore.

"Giyuu, It's not like that. I was going to tell you, I promise. You- you were supposed to hear it from me. Please don't be mad. I'll be back as soon as possi-"

"Save it. I hope you have the time of your life." The hurt in his voice was unmistakable, but his eyes held even more betrayal.

He started to climb down, turning up towards her before he completely vanished amid the leaves and branches of the tree.

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now