The Tale Of The Habanero And The Hedgehog

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Akari sighed as one of her kitchen maids kept pestering her.

"Takahashi-sama, you should really let us do this, this is surely beneath a hashira such as yourself."

"Oh of course not, Sakura-chan!" Akari shook her head at one of the kitchen maids. "Besides I'm making this for Shinazugawa-san. You see, his birthday is today and I heard he really likes Ohagi, so I want to make him some, myself." She emphasized.

'to make up for avoiding him' was left unsaid.

"That's great, Takahashi-sama, but your cooking skills aren't exactly the best..." The young girl fiddled with her fingers as she looked sideways. A hint of mockery in her voice.

She really liked the kitchen. She didn't want it going up in smoke. 

The redhead slouched, her cheery spirits momentarily spoiled by the maid's quiet chiacking.

"Oh, forgive me! I didn't mean to be rude!" Sakura smacked a hand over her mouth before bowing multiple times.

Akari laughed good-naturedly. "It's quite alright."

Sakura didn't understand why her master wanted to do something for the Wind Hashira in the first place.

He was... scary to say the least. She tried to avoid him as much as she could.

"Why don't you and the others take the rest of the day off?"

"Really?" Sakura's eyes lit up.

"Yes, really. Now go before I change my mind." Akari chuckled.

"H-Hai! Arigato gosaimasu Takahashi-sama!" And she ran off, followed by the rest of the girls in the kitchen.

"Alright, I can do this. How hard can it be to make Ohagi?"

It was nearly impossible.

The first thing she realized was that she didn't know where anything was kept.

'Maybe I shouldn't have sent everyone home' She thought bitterly. 

After an hour of trying to find the utensils needed, she set out to wash the rice. But from cooking the rice to making the paste, there wasn't a single thing she didn't mess up.

And after what seemed like an eternity, she sighed in content as she looked down on her creation. 

'Hm, why, this looks pretty good, if I do say so myself' She smiled proudly. 

Although it looked good, she was a little hesitant to taste it. 

'Please be good. Please be good!' She prayed before taking a slow bite.

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