Cooking Lessons and More

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Akari looked up questionably at the outstretched hand before her. 

"Well, I don't have all goddamn day, get up." Sanemi sighed impatiently.


The wind hashira smiled triumphantly as he curled his fingers around Akari's and led her to his kitchen.

"Ano... what are we doing?" She asked as she looked around the well-kept place.

"Well, from the way you fed me those rocks earlier, I've deduced that you can't cook for your life. So, I'm going to teach you how to make Ohagi." He replied casually before pulling out all sorts of utensils from the cabinets.

"Eh? Eh?! EHHHH?!!" 

Was he seriously going to teach her to make Ohagi? SINCE WHEN DID SANEMI KNOW HOW TO COOK?

"Well don't just stand there gaping like a fish, get the rice." He commanded while shoving her towards the sink. "It's in the second cupboard on the first row. Two cups. You can start washing it."

"Uh... right." Akari was still a bit confused as to what was happening so she just absentmindedly started to measure the grains.

A few minutes later, she brought the washed rice to her self-implemented teacher.

"Here you go." 

"Hn." Sanemi transferred the rice into the pot on top of the heated logs.

While they waited for it to cook, Akari continued her questioning.

"You really don't have to do this."

"Yes, yes I do." Looking at the redhead's pouting, he suddenly started chuckling, making his hair cover his face.

"Oi! What's so funny!" She moved in front of him to see his face. She was in the process of bending down to get a better look because he had bowed his head when he looked up and their eyes met for an intense moment.

Realizing that their faces were too close to be called appropriate, she quickly backed away, mumbling apologies.

Akari didn't know it, but Sanemi was having a mental breakdown at how adorable she was. How could someone be so pretty?

He desperately tried to calm his heart that had sped up and tried to imagine things that disgusted him (Giyuu) to stop his potential erection.

He almost got a boner just because her face was just an inch away from his own.

What. The. Fuck.

Afterward, sanemi busied himself by preparing to make the bean paste while occasionally giving instructions to Akari.

When the rice was cooked, he told her to roll the sticky grain into balls. It was simple. But apparently, Akari had decided to be an idiot that day.

Instead of doing what she was told, she was playing with the dough-like substance giggling to herself whenever she succeeded in making a weird shape.

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