Never Have I Ever

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"Hey! let's play a game" Takahashi suggested. "How about Never have I ever?"

The two girls were back in their seats after getting more bottles.

"I'm all in!" Uzui was first to respond, followed by murmurs of agreement from the others. They were all wasted now, not a single fuck given to the world.

"Who's going first?" Shinobu asked.

"I'll go." Came a velvety voice. 

The others quietly nodded in agreement, although surprised at the raven-haired male. For the first time ever, the water pillar had talked without having a question directed at him.

"Never have I ever..." Giyuu slurred. "Gotten drunk when I was underage."

Akari and Rengoku exchanged knowing glances before taking a shot each. All of them gave the two childhood friends surprised expressions.

The childhood friends had indeed gotten drunk together when they were underage. On Akari's fourteenth birthday to be exact. They had sneaked into Kyojuro's father's liquor cabinet. They only meant to have a little fun but Shinjuro had found them passed out after he returned from work. 

What happened next she didn't want to remember.

"No judging!!" they both cried out after they told their friends the fond memory.

The rest of them put their hands up saying that they would never.

"My turn now" Akari declared. "Never have I ever... Kissed a girl"

Almost every single one took a sip, chuckling at the redhead's lame question.

"Who hasn't kissed a girl?" Sanemi snorted.

Giyuu that's who.

The Water Pillar smiled sheepishly as the group looked at him with disbelief.

"How old are you again Tomioka-san?" Shinobu teased.

Giyuu pouted before suddenly wailing at his innocence. He crossed his arms and looked away, his nose in the air. (Omg can you imagine how cute that would be?)
Everyone had, by now, found out that the dark-haired male was overly emotional when he was drunk.

"Sh-shut up" He sobbed into Mitsuri's arms that were wrapped around him, meant for comfort.

'There goes his perfect non-stuttering record'

After a few more insults at Giyuu, the game started moving again. Next was Rengoku.


Nobody expected the question from the cheerful hashira and for a moment nobody moved. But slowly two people raised their bottles to their mouths. Preparing for the wordworks that were about to follow.

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