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As a demon, Sayuri had twin obligations. One, to find the blue Spider Lily, and two, to find the location of the Ubuyashiki family. When she wasn't doing either, she spent her days watching humans.

She felt a sort of affinity toward them, after all, she too was a human once. And now she ate them. She got random flashes of her past life. Dreams of katanas and a group of redheads, of kind smiles and hearty laughter. She didn't laugh much anymore, although she doubted she laughed much in her human life. 

She didn't like these dreams. They suffocated her, looming over her even in her waking hours, as if reminding her of what she was missing. 

Was she? Missing something?

She shook these unwanted thoughts out of her head and walked faster towards Douma's cult. Her stomach growled; she hadn't eaten flesh since she bit the nice man on the festival three weeks ago. She was going to sink her teeth deeper into his flesh when those chains, the same ones that held her back when she first became a demon, pulled her back again. As soon as her grip on him had loosened, he had scrambled away, screaming for help and alerting people of a monster.

"Somebody help me! There's- there's a monster! Monster! Help!"

A monster. Was that what she was? A monster?

So now she just drank blood, and then let the unconscious humans go. She couldn't find it in herself to kill them.

"Sayuri-chan! You're finally back! I missed you sooooo much!" Douma giggled as he swooped her into his arms.

She couldn't help the easy smile that danced on her lips as she let him swirl her around.

"Ohayo, Douma-sama." 

"Come on, come on!" He skipped his way over to the building's entrance, Sayuri in tow.

The sheer size of the Paradise cult amazed her for the second time as douma led her through the dazzling hallways that were framed by gilded tiles. The entire structure gave off a feel of royalty and luxury. But there was also an alluring aura to it, something calming and soft. She supposed this was what a mother's lullaby felt like. She didn't remember. What did her mother even look like?

Sayuri stopped in her tracks for a second, a vision temporarily suspending her from her movements. A flash of a redhead.

Not again.

It was the first time one of her dreams played out while she was awake and it left her feeling disoriented. 

"Sayuri-chan? You coming?" Douma's voice pulled her out of her daze.

"Yeah! Wait for me." she gave him her best smile before jogging to catch up to him.

Once inside his personal room, Douma flopped down on his large and lush-looking futon. He patted the space beside him, motioning to her. she sat down next to him with her hands laced together on her lap.

THE DEMON INSIDE // KIMETSU NO YAIBA //Where stories live. Discover now