Nobody Compares

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Hey guys! This is my fanfic here on wattpad so please tell me if its good. And it's my first time writing a fanfic so please tell me if there is anything I need to improve in or if you like it. Hope you like it please VOTE,COMMENT,SHARE&FAN!

May :) x


Nobody Compares

Chapter One

Broken. That's what I was.  

A broken seventeen-year-old American teenager that didn't trust anybody. Sometimes I wish I wasn't like this. I wonder how different my life would have been if I didn't have an abusive father. If my mom hadn't died and was still here with me, holding me in her arms and playing with my hair like she always did to make me fall asleep.

Lying in bed I couldn't seem to go to sleep. I wasn't tired, I never was. I kept tossing and turning in bed but I still couldn't go to sleep. I threw the covers off of me, jumped out of bed and decided to go downstairs to get something to eat.

I had to be as quiet as possible because I didn't want my dad to wake up. If he did, all hell would break loose. I went down the stair and tip-toed into the kitchen. I opened one of the cabinets and tried to grab a bag of chips, but (me being 5'3") I couldn't reach it.

I grabbed a chair and stood on it and grabbed the bag. I don't know how, but when I went do jump down from the chair I somehow fell, causing a loud BOOM to echo throughout the house and the chair to fall -- causing even more noise. I winced when I heard a door upstairs slam open and footsteps pounding down the wooden stairs.

I quickly got up but not before he came into the kitchen.

"You bitch! You woke me up!" he screamed as he grabbed me by my hair.

I didn't dare to say anything or even try to push him off. That only caused the beating to get worse.

"You never do anything right, you pathetic excuse for a human being! I can't believe I have to call you my daughter" he said as his hand came up and slapped me hard across my face causing me to fall down on the ground.

He started to kick me in my stomach but I didn't dare cry. Crying meant you're weak and crying made him hit me harder.

He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me out the back door.

"You're sleeping outside tonight, you bitch, and don't you dare come in without asking me first!" He slammed the door closed and left me there on the wet grass.

My whole body ached as I got up. I started to walk down the street not even knowing where I was going. Tears were building in my eyes as I ran my hands through my hair and tried to make myself look like I haven't just gotten beaten up.

I got weird stares from people walking. It probably had something to do with the fact that I was in my pjs which consisted of shorts and a tank top. Plus it was mid November.

The tears kept on building and I walked into an ally and sat down and let the tears fall.

I cried for my mom that died. I cried for what my dad did to me. I cried for the life I had. I never did anything wrong and yet I do everything wrong.

Why couldn't I have the father that cared? The father that scared the boys away. The father that hugged and kissed his daughter's forehead when she came home. The father who loved his daughter. Why couldn't I have that? What made me so different than all the other girls who had that?!

A felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?" The boy had a thick British accent.

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