Chapter Seven

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Seven

          Emily looked the same. Her long brown curly hair was put in a pony tail on the back of her head. She was the same hight as she was when she left which was way taller than me. Her blue eyes were staring back into my green ones in shock.

She was wearing a pair of jeans and a simple black mid thigh length jacket with a pair of black Ugg boots.

"Carson?" She asked Asked in disbelief.

I couldn't even move I was just standing there staring at her. It was all too much to take in. Seeing your best friend that you've avoided for so long standing there. I didn't think id ever see her again after she left.

I know this made me a bad friend and selfish but I didn't want to see her. It bring back so many good old memories that just made me think of how bad my life is now and I hated that. I don't want to be reminded of how fucked up my life is.

I was brought out Of my thoughts when I saw the boys and Anna rush to us.

"What happened I heard something crash?" Anna said as she looked on the ground to where the sodas had spilled.

"S-sorry i'll just get a mop and clean this up," I said as I hurried to the back not missing when Anna recognized who the guest was.

To be honest I didn't want to go back there I didn't want to see her again. I couldn't. It would hurt so much! Nobody understood how much my mother meant to me and how hard it was being reminded of her.

She wasnt only my mother she was my best friend. I had never kept a secret from her. She was the one I'd go to when there was nobody to talk to.

She was the one I'd vent to about my problems. I could tell her about boys, friends, I could tell her about anything and she would always know what to do and how to help me with my problems.

She'd always be there when I was hurt to wipe the tears away and tell me it was going to be okay. I trusted her with everything, she was my everything and now she's gone.

I'm never going to get to see her beautiful smile. I'm never going get to hear her reassuring words, her loud laugh, her voice. Oh how wonderful her voice was when she sang.

I loved to sleep to the sound if her singing. Whenever I'd have a bad dream she would be the one there to rub my back and sing me to sleep. It's hard knowing that if never get to see her again.

Now I didn't have anybody to vent to or any shoulder to cry on. I didn't have anybody. I was just an ugly broken girl who nobody liked, not even her own father! And It hurt so fucking bad to know that!

My heart broke every time I saw my drunk of a father. It was another reminder that I would never see his loveing side either. I would never hear him laugh and I'd never see him smile.

I would never feel his warm embrace. All I would ever feel from him was pain. The pain of his hand as it smacked me across the face or punched me in the stomach or pulled my hair. The feeling of his legs kicking me.

Why couldn't I be like anybody else and have loving parents? Why did he have to change? Now instead of loosing one parent I actually lost two. And those where two of the most amazing people in my life.

I shook my head trying to get these thoughts out if my head. That's why I didn't like seeing people from my past. It brought all these awful thoughts and memories of how amazing my life was and how badly it is now.

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