Chapter Five

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Five 

First period Mondays was always the worst! I was so tired an all I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't get any sleep yesterday because of my dad.

When I got home after being with Zayn things didn't go well at all!

*Flash Back*

I quietly opened the back door and came in knowing my dad would probably have been passed out with his friends in the living room and beer bottles scattered all around with the TV on and nobody watching.

I walked over to the living room but my dad was the only one there and he was sober. Sober!

I have never in my life since mom had died seen him sober! When he heard me come in he turned around so fast getting out of his chair.

He glared daggers at me with his cold eyes as he spoke."Where have you been?!"

I flinched a little from the sound if his voice. I guess he was the same both drunk and sober.

"I-I lost something," I quickly said mentally punching myself. How did loosing something have to do with where I was? Oh god why must I be such a terrible liar?

"Hat did I say about lying to me? Remember what happened the last time you did that? Maybe we should try it again," he said with an evil smirk.

"N-No ple-ease n-no," I pleaded desperately.

I hated even remembering what he had done to me. It made me feel disgusting an dirty.

"Yes, I think we should," he said with the smirk still on his face and took a step towards me.

I quickly turned around and ran to the door but mediate I could turn the handle I was yanked back roughly by my hair.

I screamed bloody murder wanting somebody-anybody- to hear me. I knew it was no use though. Nobody would care. Why would they? I was nobody.

He laughed as he threw me on the ground next to him. He kicked my stomach causing me to roll over making him deliver another kick to my back.

He then pulled me up and punched me straight in the face causing me to fall back again. I did the only thing I could do. I cried.

I knew he hated it but what else would I do it just hurt so bad! "Next time you don't sneak around you little slut! Who did you sleep with this time you whore!?"

My vision started to blurt from all the tears. I couldn't really feel anything after a while. The pain just got so bad that my body turned numb.

I could feel my body start to shut down as black dots started to dance in front of my tear filled eyes.

I wish I would have been dead! I wish he would have killed me! But I knew I wasn't dead. He'd want to torture me a lot more before I died.

*End Of Flash Back*

I ended up waking up in the middle of the night still i the same place where I had fainted.

I slowly got up my body aching from the beating. I could barely stand up. I had to grab on the door knob to help keep myself up or else I would of fell on the cold hard ground probably waking him up again and I didn't want that to happen, again!

I slowly walked up the stairs taking about five minutes until I reached the top. My body hurt so bad it felt as if knifes were slicing my body and stabbing me everywhere.

I walked to the bathroom holding on to the wall for support and taking a shower to get all the dry blood off.

At least he didn't make me do what he did last time! It was horrible! I was his fucking daugher how could he make me do that to him. So dirty I hated it!

I groaned and put my head down on the desk not even listening to what the teacher had to say.

I already knew everything we needed to know. I had no friends and nothing to do so why not study. It would increase my chances of getting a scholarship to a collage which I needed to get in order to leave my dad. I couldn't just leave him and live in the street.

The only thing that I did instead of study was working at a local dinner. The owners were an old couple who were very nice to me even thought barely ever spoke to them.

I usually worked when my dad was going to be coming home late like today. I also needed the money so when I move out I could by a place to stay and stuff like that.

I already had over three thousand dollars saved at home!

I lifted my head and looked at my clock to see that only about five minutes have passed. God this was going to be a Long day...


Walking out of the school building I was still limping my hole body still hurt. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I loved the smell of the woods and lucky for me the woods were what surrounded my school.

School had been boring and i slept threw mostly all my classes. The teachers didn't care since they knew I already knew all this stuff. 

When lunch came i went and sat down at the dnge of a table by myself like usually. All in all it was a usual monday which sucked. I wanted to have friends, to talk to people, to not always be at the top of the class.

What made me so different?!

Walking down the school parking lot I heard my name being called out. I looked around over the mad of students until is spotted a familiar car with a familiar person waving at me.

I walked over to him as he threw his cigaret on the floor squishing it with his shoe. He smiled at me when I approached him.

"How did you find my school?" I asked him bewildered.

"I asked around," he said casually.

"Hop in," he said as he opened the passenger seat for me.

I got in as he closed the door and ran to his side getting in.

"Zayn, why are you here?"

"I thought I'd come and see you since I had nothing to do.

"I have worn today though," I said to him looking out the widow to see people looking at us questioningly. 

"Then why don't I drop you off," he said with a smile.

Done finally I know! Lol so finally got this chapter up YAY!




Thanks so much for all the votes comments and fans I appreciate it so much!

Also I just made a tumblr(which I'm now addicted to) follow me? :)


May xx

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