Chapter Thirteen

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Nobody Compares  

Chapter Thirteen   

"M-Matt," I stuttered, my eyes widening.  

Out of all the people I could see, it has to be him. The one who made my life even worse than it already was. The one who left me more broken then I already was. The who hurt me the most.

After all that he did to me, he still had the nerve to stand in front of me with a smirk on his face as his green eyes traveled up and down my body, checking me out.   I wanted so bad to slap him across the face, and wrap my hands around his neck and sqeeze the life out of him. I mentally shook these thoughts out of my head, even though the prick deserved it. I wasn't going to be like him. I wasn't going to use actions.  

 I wasn't going to hurt anybody.  

I know how it feels, and I don't want anybody to ever feel that way. It's a horrible feeling (I would know). Zayn noticed my sudden mood change and took hold of my hand. He stepped in front of me a little so that part of my shoulder was behind him. 

  He had noticed Matt checking me out, and for some reason it angered him because his jaw tensed and he was glaring at Matt. If only looks could kill.   

"Wow, you're still as ugly as usual," was the first thing that left his lips as he smirked and game me a disgusted look. I heard a giggle and looked to see a girl my age holding his hand. She saw me looking and gave a dirty look my way.

    She was laughing at me, and I know I shouldn't let his comment get to me, but I did. His comments always got to me for some reason and that's what aggravated me the most. Why couldn't I just ignore them?!

  "Oh my god. Don't tell me this is the ugly ex you told me about. She's even uglier in person. Like, oh my god, what did you even see in her?"  she said in the bitchiest way ever. It made me want to slap her hard across the face.  

"I don't know either, babe. She's ugly as hell. She's boring, too. Oh, and how's your father, Carson?" he asked in a teasing tone. 

  I tightened my grip on Zayn's hand, my nails digging into his skin. "Your name's Carson? Isn't that a boy's name?" The girl asked as she glared at me. Did I have a sign on my forhead that said 'HATE ME'? Because that what everybody does. Everybody hates me for no reason. I don't even know them, yet they hate me. 

  At least get to know me before you judge me. You never know, you might actually like me... even though there isn't much to like..  

"Ugh, you're so ugly its sickening," Matt said. He was about to walk away when Zayn pulled him back. His fist flew into the air and punched Matt square in the nose, sending him to the ground as blood started to flow.   

"Don't ever call her ugly again. She's gorgeous, she's funny, and she's much prettier than that fake, blonde bimbo of yours will ever be. If I see you EVER calling her that again, I will fucking beat the shit out of you until you can't even walk. Don't talk to her, don't look at her, don't even think about her! She's your ex: that means she doesn't fucking like you anymore. Go near her again, and you'll regret it. That's not a threat, it's a promise." Wiith that, Zayn grabbed my hand, walked me to the car door, and we drove off.  

His hands were clenched on the steering wheel, with his knuckles turning white. I put my hand over his, trying to calm him down. He looked over at me, his eyes black. He blinked a few times, turning back to the road and ,after a few minutes, he turned back to me; his beautiful hazel eyes were back.   "Zayn...Are you okay?" I asked as I rested my hand on his thigh.

  "You better have not believed any word they said, Carson. That girl's just jealous because you are literally the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm not kidding. You've got the most adorable laugh. The cutest smile. Whenever I see you, my day gets ten times better. You're so sweet and you don't only care about yourself, but about everybody around you. And I love that. Please, don't let what they say bring you down. You're way better than them," he said, taking my hand and squeezing it.

 "Thanks, Zayn,"  I said softly after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

  "For what?" he asked.  

"For making me live again. I was practically dead before you came. You helped me through my panic attacks. You made me laugh and smile for the first time in years, and you helped me stop cutting." With the last part he smiled really big.   

"You haven't cut? How long?" He asked, impressed.  

"Since you told me not to. I promised you, remember?" I told him with a smile.

  "I don't know what I would have done without you, Zayn." I smiled and leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek before pulling away quickly, as my face reddened.  

"You look cute when you blush," he said with a laugh, which only cause me to blush even more.

  "Shut up," I said as I playfully pushed him.  

He laughed. "I didn't do anything, you're the one who's blushing," he said with a smile.  

"I love your smile," I said, not meaning to. I covered my mouth with my hand blushing again.

"Its just a smile," he said as he turned onto my street.   

"No, when you smile your eyes squint and your tongue stickes out a little. It's cute," I told him as he blushed.

  "Is Zayn Malik blushing?" I asked teasingly.  

"Shut up," he said quietly causing me to laugh.   

When we got my house, I looked in the driveway and noticed that my dad's car was still not there. I sighed a sigh of relief.   

"I'm gonna miss you. How long do you have here until you have to leave?" I asked.   

"About three weeks, but I don't want to go and leave you," he said truthfully, a frown replacing that beautiful smile of his.  

"Let's not think about it. We still have three weeks, right? We'll see each other whenever we can," I told him with a small smile. He nodded giving me a small smile back.  

I leaned in and kissed his cheek again. "Thanks, Zayn, today was fun," I told him as I tried to forget about my encounter with Matt. I knew Matt wasn't the sort of person to back down. He was still going to get me. Zayn's words wouldn't mean a thing to him.  

"Me too. I'm going to pick you up from school tomorrow. The boys keeps bugging me about how much they miss you," he said with a laugh.  

"Aww, I miss them too! Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," I told him as I got out of the car, waving goodbye as I walked in my house.  

I think I might have a little more than a crush on Zayn. Just my luck; the person that I actually end up liking and trusting ends up to be a member of the biggest boy band in the world and has to leave me in three weeks. Just my luck!

Okay I'm sorry for the late upload I wouldn't be surprised if you want to throw me off a cliff right now I suck so bad for keeping you guys waiting. I was going to upload the week before the last but then i had to work and then last week was pretty busy because I only have two weeks left so I was reviewing for finals and finishing everything so im so sorry!

Anyways how did you like this chapter? Was It good? I hope so!

Niall did A follow spree today I send her over 150 tweets and he didn't even notice them I swear I was about to cry I just want a follow so bad :(

Dedicated to  carebear_1D for editing my story! Thank you!! :) 

Could you guys PLEASE GET ME TO 1,000 COMMENTS! I have 861 so please try your best to comment for me!


Mayxx :)

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