Chapter Seventeen

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Seventeen

Everything was dark. I couldn't open my eyes nomatter how hard I tried. I could hear lots of voices around me and people talking in loud voices but I couldn't pick one person out their voices all mingled together. I wanted to yell out and scream stop but I couldn't move. 

Where was I? What happened? I don't even remember anything. Everything was a blur. My body really hurt espessially the back of my head. The darkness was making me crazy and I couldn't stand it anymore.

I tried again to open my eyes but again I couldn't. Trying to block out the loud noices I tried to remember what had happened but nothing poped into my head. 

All the noices suddenly died down and I could hear shuffuling of feet and then silence. I felt a hand grab mine and I instantly knew it was Zayn. His big hands envoloping my small ones warming them.

"Hey Carson," He said with his beautiful british accent that made my insides melt everytime he talks. His voice deep and smooth. "You probably can't hear me but you mean the world to me," 

He paused and cleared his throut. "Since that day I saw you balled up in the ally when I tapped your sholder and you looked up I fell in love with you. Your beautiful green eyes and your lovely brown hair. I don't know why I didn't even know you but all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around you and tell you everything was going to be okay. I wanted to tell you that nobody would ever hurt you," 

His hands moved up and down my arms fireing up my cold skin."You looked so small and sad and I just wanted to whipe your tears away and never let you go! There was something different about you you wernt like any other girl. You didn't scream in my face or jump all over me. I loved that! You made me feel like im not just some superstar. And when I took you to the lake I wanted to tell  you how I felt but then I chickened out of it."

"Theres somethng different about you. You're alays scared of letting me in I-Idon't know I guess that just drew me in more. It made me want to know more about you. You didn't forget to give me my jacket that day we met I just left it with you and didn't ask you for it because I wanted to see you again. Theres so much thats going on with your life even though I don't know what it is I still want to be there for you. I swear I'll never let you get hurt again. I love you. Please...Just wake up," He sqeezed my hand and stopped and so did my heart.

That was the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me. If I was awake them I'd probably be crying.       I tried with everything I had to sqeeze his hand back and tried my hardest to open my eyes. It worked and I was squinting my eyes hurting from being closed for too long. 

"Z-Zayn," I said my voice rough. 

I was handed a glass of water which I drank without stopping. 

He took the cup from me and helped me sit up in his bed I finally knew from the red and black everywhere. "Are you alright?" He asked concern clear on his face.

"I've been better," I tell him and he winces.

"Zayn, that was the sweetest thing anybodys ever said to me. I don't know if I love you yet but I do trust you. You've helped me so much these past weeks and I don't know what I would of done without you," I said truthfully as I rapped my arms around him and hugged him the best I could while in my position.

I sighed as I burried my head in his neck his wonderful spell all around me made me want to sniff him but then I 'd be a werido. He kissed me neck lightly causing a blush to form on my face and pulled back. 

"Wow you're even more beautiful with that blush on your face," He said causing my face to heat up even more. 

"How long have I been out?" I asked ad I patted the space next to me telling him to come over. 

He jumped in under the covers and wrapped his arms around my shoulders as my head rested on his shoulders. His arms made me feel safe and there was no disconfort what so ever. I loved that it made me want to stay here forever.

"Just a few hours I was going to take you to the hospital if you weren't up by morning though," He said as he stroked my hair. 

"Um Zayn?" I asked and he hummed gesturing me to to continue.

"What exactly happened?" I asked still unsure.

"You mean you don't remember?" He asked surprised.

I shook my head no and he sighed. "Well we finished everything early today so I remembered that you work at the diner and so I was driving there to go see you and when I got there that nice old lady tol me that you hadn't come yet and you were really late so I thought that you might still be at school.

I was drving there when I heard your screm and you were there with the asshole we had seen the other day. He kept on banging your head against the tree and I just lost it I went after him and when I saw that you were unconsious I kinda just forgot about him. I think he might still be there he was knocked out. I swore I'd enever let him hurt you and he did. I should of been more careful," 

"You're blaming yourself for this? You're an idiot. This wasn't your fault at all Zayn!" I told him and he just sighed shaking his head a bit.

"Thank you for saving me," I told him with a smile as I cuddled in closer with him.

"I could get used to this," He said and I laughed.

Well...until I rememberd something. 

"Zayn what time is it?" I asked jumping out of his embrace.

"Twelve in the morning why?" He aske confussed.

Shit my dad is going to kill me.

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (Harry moment)



Also today was definatly not my day. I had to make up one of my finals after school so I had to stay after and there was no late school bus and I didn't have enough money to go on the train and so I had to walk to my friends house borrow money then walk to the train station in 90 degrees weather Ferinhite (IDK CELCIUS) and all that took one hour then I had to take the train and go to this station where they had busses and then take the bus and I got off at the wrong stop and so I had to walk 20 more minutes home this all took TWO HOURS and I had no water If anybody looked at me it would look like I was drunk from the way I was walking. And then everything I ate just kept dropping on me and I got hurt so much like FML this isn't a good way to start the summer!






Twitter: @niallersblueyes

Instagram: @ohsnapitsmayar


May :) xx

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