Chapter Two

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Two


I couldn't believe that this was our last concert of the tour. Finally! Don't get me wrong I love singing and preforming on stage - it was my dream after all- but I do miss my family and its Tiring.

I took out my pack of cigarets and taking one out as I walked down the hallway. I always needed to just get a little but of fresh air and a smoke before preforming it gave me a little time to myself and helped me relax and get the energy I needed. I knew it wasn't good for me, I did try to stop but it's harder than you think!

Opening the door and walking out I was surprised to see a girl sitting on the ground crying.

Her hands were wrapped around her knees and her face was in her lap causing her long brown wavy hair to fall over her face.

I put the cigaret back in my pocket and walked over to her putting my hand on her shoulder.

She instantly jumped up causing me to pull my hand away. "Sorry, i didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?" I asked seeing a frightening look in her beautiful emerald eyes.

"I-I'm fine," she stuttered causing me to raise my eyebrow at her.

She was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top and it was mid November and it was freezing out.

"You sure? You look cold, you want to come in with me?" I asked her.

"N-no I'm fine it's okay," but right when she said that the wind started to pick up and she shivered and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Just come in I'm not going to hurt you if that's what your scared of," I didn't give her time to think Itook her hand and lead her inside.


I didn't know what to do. Should I stay or should I leave? I know he told me to stay but I didn't even know him. What if my father saw him when he dropped me off?

I would be in some real deep shit if that happened. My dad didn't let me have friends. He said that they ask to many questions and that they were nosy. That's probably part of the reason why I'm a loser at school.

I could tell Zayn to drop me off at the beginning of the street. But then he'd probably think I was hiding something and I couldn't have anybody know what my dad did to me. My dad had already warned me that he'd kill me and the person I told.

And I didn't want anybody being hurt just because of me. But would Xayn even care? I don't think he would? He probably just felt bad that I was crying outside in the cold. I'm probably just some charity case to him.

Nobody cares about me. I'm worthless, ugly, weak, and broken. Nobody would ever love me enough. To stay and fix me and I knew that from experience. I'm never going down that path anymore.

I knew what love felt like. I knew what it felt like to have somebody to hold you when your crying and to tell you everything was okay. But now I knew that that person was just lying. I knew he didn't care ad how he actually thought about me. I also knew that I never wanted to feel the way I did when I figured it out ever again!

Those thoughts brought tears to my eyes but I refuse to cry for him. I swore I would never cry for that asshole ever again.

I guess I have to take Zany's offer in driving me home since I did t even know where the hell I was!

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