Chapter Twenty Two

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Twenty Two

One of the things I hated most in life was talking about my family and what had happened to me after my mothers death. I completely hated every single minute of standing in front of somebody and telling them my lifes story when they weren't in any way close to me. Especially strangers.

Thats life though. You don't alway do what ever you want to do and thats what happened to me. Tomorrow I had to go to court and say infront of complete strangers, some who probably didn't even care my whole story. 

I was nervous, sad, and even angry because they didn't need to know what happened to me. It was non of their buisness. they didn't have any right to know what happened in my like but I was going to forced to tell them anyways since thats the only way the they could know the truth and my dad would be put away and would pay for killing my mom and hurting me all these years.

That was the only reason why I wasn't backing out of this and refussing to tell people. Without this my dad would be free and I wouldn't let that happen. I'd rather die than seeing him live freely after what he did. He deserved to suffer after blaming me when it was all his fault.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" Zayn asked his head on my lap as he layed down on the couch. 

I've gotten really used to Zayn in the past two days I've been here. We've grown even closer to each other and i could finally touch him without being scared all the time.  

I looked down to meet his eyes that were already looking up at me. He really was perfect. Everything about him was perfect every little thing. His hazel eyes to his pink plum lips to his black as night hair and his jawline. Sometimes I wondered if somebody this perfect could even be real, or even be mine. It was really hard to believe. 

"Just the trial," I told him truthfully knowing if I lied he'd see though it easily.

"I'll be there the whole time. We also have the day off so I wont leave. If you want just look at me and pretend you're talking to me," I've learned that when I talk to Zayn I have no trouble in telling him everything.

I'm not afraid of him judging me or telling me off. He always listens until the end and then comments and he always knows what the right thing to say is never hurting my feelings and I love that. I knew he could easily hurt me he knew that too but I trusted him and knew he wouldn't do anything. 

"I know I guess I don't want to say anything in front of those people but Its the only way he'll get what he diserves," I said sighing.

"Just don't think about it right now. You wanna go out? It's getting kind of boring. We could go get something to eat," Zayn asked as he lifted himself off of my lap and turned to face my on the couch.

I nodded."Sure, let me just get dressed," I told him as I got off of the couch and went to my room. 

Thoughts of the court were still swirling through my head but I nlocked them out and began to rummage through my stuff looking for something to wear. 

I setteled with a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt with a light pink sweater ontop since it was chilly and almost winter. I put on a pair of ancle boots and grabbed the phone that Zayn had gotten me.

I would never leave it anywhere since it was what saved my life. I thanked god the I had butt dialled Zayns number because I would have probably died from blood loss and my dad would have probably just thrown me down in the basment or something knowing him he probably would. 

I put in in my pants pocket and walked out to see Zayn had changed also into his fameous leather jacket that he seemed to bring with him everywhere. He had a white fitting tshirt under and some blue fadded jeans and a pair of Nikes.

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