Chapter Nine

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Nobody Compares


He dark eyes were staring into mines as if they were staring into my soul. His eyes seemed to be holding some secrets too. He was so mysterious. He was always quiet not much of a talker. He seemed like the type who kept to himself. I wanted to figure Zayn out too. He had this sort of dark arora around him and I wanted to find out more about him.

Suddenly he was leaning in. I knew he was going to kiss me but I didn't know. Did I want this. Yes- No..I don't know this was movin too fast I didn't even fully trust him yet.

He looked into my eyes and I could feel his breath on my lips and our noses were touching he started to tilt his head his lips getting closer and closer.

Chapter Nine

At the last second I move my head causing his mouth to land on my cheek. He didn't pull away though. He kissed my cheek softly and i could feel the smarks erupting on my skin. He pulled me closer to him so that my head was resting in the crook of his neck.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence i pulled back and smiled at him.

"So where were you going to take me?" I asked him whiping away the remaining tears from my cheeks.

"Its a surprise," Was all he said.

"Come on I hate surprises," I begged.

"Sorry you're going to have to wait," He said as he placed me back into my seat and started the car with a teasing smile on his face.

I puted but he just looked ahead and laughed.

"You'll see soon enough," He promised and we were on our way out of the parking lot and on the road.

It took as around half an hour to get there. We arrived at this beautiful park which I'm sure was in the middle of nowhere. There were trees sorrounding a big field and the grass was filled with flowers and there was a big lake on the side with a aer fall. The sun shinning down on it it seemed like one of those places in a cartton.

"its'd you find this place?" I asked in awe.

He took my hand in his and started walking towards the lake.

"Well the boys are usually here a lot and I just needed fresh air and time to think one night so I was just driving around when I found this place,

"He said as we sat down.

"Why are you guy's here a lot? Aren't you from the UK?" I asked as he took his shoes and socks off and rooled his pants up and put his feet in the water.

"Well it is Los Angles and there are lots of award shows and most of the interviews are here," He explained as he took my right foot and started to take my shoes off.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a giggle when he took my socks off and then took my left foot doing the same.

"The waters nice just put your feet in," He said and i slipped my toe in seeing if it was cold or not. I took it right out shivering.

"No its not! Its freezing," I said getting up to get my shoe to put it back on.

"Oh no you don't," Zayn yelled as he got up and chanced after me.

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