Chapter Sixteen

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Sixteen

After getting ice cream Zayn and the boys had to drop me off since they had a daw full of interviews and they had soudcheck which also ment that I wouldn't be able to see Zayn tomorrow. I was currently walking to the Diner since I had work today.

The weather was getting colder and colder and we went further into the month. The wind blew causing my hair to go flying into my face and me to wrap my sweater even tighter around myself.

I wasn't in a real good mood today even though I hadn't woken up from my dad at all. I felt weird like something was going to happen. It was an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach and I hated it. I was nervous and I didn't even know why.

There was barely anybody on the street I was walking on mostly just trees and a quiet rode. I could probably walk to the diner blind folded thats how well I knew the way from just going mostly every day of the week.

When I was about to turn the corner onto the street of the Diner I bumped into somebody causing me to almost loose my balance and fall on the floor.

"Look who it is," I heard a voice I knew all to well say.

I looked up as he towered over me causing me to shrink back a bit because of my hight. To be honest I was scared. With Zayn not here I knew he would do something.

"What do you want Matt?" My voice surprisingly not stuttering.

"You know what I want," He said as he got closer to me and I walked back.

"Don't touch me," I said pushing him back when he kept on getting closer.

Suddenly I was falling off the side walk and obviously the time a car does come down the street its when I'm about to fall over. I close my eyes hearing the loud noice of the car as it gets closer and closer and as I fall I wait for the car to hit me.

A few weeks ago I probably would have wished that this would happen. That the car would just hit me and I would die. That I could be done with all the pain of life. That I could be done with everything. That I wouldn't get beaten again, made fun of again, have to hurt myself again. But now I didn't want to.

I was actually scared. I didn't want it to happen. I actually had some friends now, Louis, Niall, Liam, Harry. And I don't know what Zayn and I were but I liked him, a lot! I actually wanted to go somewhere when I was finished with highschool. I wanted to go somewhere and do something with my life so I could show everybody that I'm not worthless and that I do belong in this world.

Falling down I felt somebody grab my and pull me to them. Matt had his neck burried in my sholder and kissed my neck. I pushed him off of me with all my strength and walked backwards awayfrom him.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled getting a bit scared knowing what he was capable of.

He grabbed me in a tight grip before I could even move away and held me by my waist. He ran his nose up my neck and then bit my earlobe. "What if I don't want to," He said running his nose back down my neck.

I was shaking trying my best to get him off of me. Last time I was lucky and there was somebody around this time I was in a dead street where nobody barely ever came. He started kissing his way up to my mouth and forcing me into a kiss with one hand sqeezing my waist the other mooved down to my butt grabbing it.

I bit his lip roughly causing him to pull away from me with is lip bleeding. I stubled back from him trying to run away but he grabbed my arm before I could.

"You bitch," He yelled as he slapped me accross the face. He grabbed me by my hair painfully causing me to look at him.

"Did you see what you fucking did to me? What the hell is wrong with you?!" He scremed and he knocked his head against mine causing me to feel dizzy and extraim pain to go to my head.

"Stop!" I yelled wishing that anybody would happen to pass by and see me.

With his hands still in my hair tightly he pulled my face to his kissing me roughly and biting my lips hard like i had done to his. I tried to push him away but he ended up grabbing my hand in his big one and squeezling them tightly.

He kept on walking backwards and shoved me into a tree roughly causing me to cry out in pain and my knees buckled and I could tast the matallic taste of blood on my lips from his bites.

It tried to kick him where it hurts but he dodged it and put his foot in between mine. When I kept on struggling he pulled back from the kiss and grabbed my head and banged it against the tree hard one, twice, three times and already I could feel everything around me spinning.

I was too weak to do anything now as he slapped me accross the face.

"Kiss me back you bitch!" He growled and I couldn't even do that. I could feel the blood as it leaked down my back from my head.

He grabbed my neck squeezing it as he kissed me again. I could barely breath and my head was in so much. All I could do was cry even I was too weak to do that but the tears still leaked down my face without control. I couldn't open my mouth to cry or do anything.

He kneed my thigh causing me to bend down in pain not being able to stand up. All I could see infront of my face were black dots. I heard somebody yell my name in the background but I couldn't see anything. I could feel myself fall to the ground as somebody pulled Matt off of me.

I was in so much pain but I was used to it. It wasn't the first time it happened. He did this to me all the time in the past. He wasn't always like this but he changed and I don't even know why.

Suddenly there were hands on my shoulders shaking me. "Come on Carson," I recognized Zayns voice immediatly. What was he doing here?

"Please wake up!" He beeged his voice sounded panicked as he shook me more and the pain was increasing.

"Please don't die on me Carson," He said and I could feel something wet on my face.

Was he...was Zayn crying?

I tried my best to open my eyes and after a few moments I finally got them to open a little to see Zayn kneeling above me.

"Zayn," I barely whispered.

His eyes shot to mine and a look of relief crossed his face.

"Thank god I thought I thought I lost you," He said grabbing me into a hug which I was too weak to even give back.

He looked so worried it made me want to make everything better but I knew was the one he was worrying about.

"You better not die on me," He said his face burried into my neck.

"I love you," He said causing me to freeze.







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Twitter : niallersblueyes

Mayxx :)

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