Chapter Six

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Six

"You don't really have to, I can walk. Its fine," I told him not wanting to be a bother.

"No It's fine, where do you work?" He asked me pulling out of his parking space.

"At a dinner," I told him sitting back in my seat. I was too tierd to really argue about it and I was  glad that I didn't have to walk there I don't think I could of made it with my whole body hurting.

"That works out I am hungry," He said as he got out of the schools parking lot.

"So which way do I go?" He asked with a smile on his beautiful face.

It was weird that he was even talking to me right now. I still couldn't get over the fact that this is Zayn Malik from one direction that  I was sitting next to. Most girl would die to be in my position. It felt like it was all just a dream.

"Just keep going straight and take a right turn at the next traffic light," I told him and we were on our way.

"So how was your day?" He asked trying to start a conversation.

"It was a monday," I told him and he laughed.

"Yeah, I feel the same way. I had to wake up early for a interview this morning," He said.

"Do you ever get tierd of it?" I asked him curiously.

"Of what?" He asked me his eyebrowns scrunching in confussion.

"Of all the fame, the screaming girls, the camaras, the paparatzi, of not having a normal life?" It was a question i've always wanted to ak a celebrity.

Do they get tired of all the screaming fans and all the people getting in their buisness.Of all the flashing lights? How did it feel not being able to trust many people. Having to be carfull weather thay actually liked you or if it was just for the fame?

He thought about it for a few minutes before speaking with his lovely british accent. "Sometimes it does get annoying you know. Like when we had to run from those girls at starbucks," He laughed. 

And its annoying when people get into are business because sometimes its privet and we dont want anybody to know and sometimes people think that its their life not ours and start saying things like getting into our relationships and such," He explained as we stopped at the traffic light.

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