Chapter Twenty Four

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Nobody Comapres

Chapter Twenty Four

Rummaging through my wardrobe I still couldn't find anything to wear. I threw my self back on my bed which was filled with clothes. My whole room had floor everywhere. A loud sigh left my lips as I closed my eyes in frustration my hands balling into fists.

"Woah the hell happened in here?" I heard Emily say as I opened my eyes and looked up to see her picking up a couple of shirts that were on the floor.

"I can't find anything to wear," I said frustrated.

"Where are you going?" She asked looking around my room with wide eyes at the mess I had made.

"It's our first date," I told her. It was the first date I've ever had in my life and I didn't know what to wear. I've never gotten a boyfriend before and I had no idea what we were supposed to do on dates.

"Ahhh you're going on a date and youdidn't tell me?" She screetches.

"I forgot I was jsut so overwhelmed I have no idea what to do on dates. This is the first one I'll ever be on and I didn't know what to do," I said as I stood up to look through my closet this time with emily helping.

"How about this one?" She asked as she pulled out a black strapless shirt with wihite and pink flowers on in that probably showed a little bit too much skin since it came down just under my belly button.

She also had a black skirt that came a little bit above my mid theigh along with a white cardigan that reached down to the same height as my skirt. "Oh and I think the shoes I was wearing yesterday would match," She said handing my the clothes and running out the room only tto return seconds later with a pair of black heels .

"Haha no," I said giving her a look.

"What? Why not?" She asked with a pout?

"Because I'm already clumsy and I can't even walk in heels I probably wont make it two steps without falling," I told her as I begun to put my clothes that I had thrown around the room back into my closet as I set down the outfit I was going to wear on my bed.

"And pluss he hasn't told me where we're going so what if it's not fancy and its casual?" I asked. She siged and put the heels down and wen t int my closet again.

I went into the bathroom taking the clothes I would wear with me changing into them and then walking out of the bathroom. Emily came out of the closet with a pair of black gladiators with gold studs on them.

"How bout these?" She askes handing them over to me.

I took them and smiled at her sitting on my bed and putting them on."These are perfect," I told her standing up and examining myself in the mirror.

I felt a little bit uncomfortable since a lot of my skin was showing. You could still she a few bruises around my body and scars down my legs. I was glad that the cardigan was long sleeved since that way nobody would be able to see the cuts on my wrists.

"I don't know about this. Isn't this a little bit too much skin showing?" I asked uncomfotably figgiting infront of the mirror.

"No you look fine now stop worrying. Come here so I could do your hair," Emily told me and she patted on the chair. I walked over and sat down and she started with slightly curing my hair so it was straight from the top but curles from the bottom.

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