Chapter Nineteen

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Nineteen

~Zayn's POV~

I had a feeling that I shouldn't have listened to Carson and brung her home. I knew something bad was going to happen to her and it killed me knowing I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. When I got to my flat I couldn't sleep at all.

I kept on rolling my my bed trying to get some rest but I couldn't even close my eyes for a few minutes without the urge to open them being to big.

I sighed and grabbed my phone and decided to go on twitter for a bit.

"Can't sleep. How you guy's doin? :) x" I tweeted and instantly I had fans tweeting me back.

"@zaynmalik hey zayn I love you so much"

@zaynmalik are you missing home?"

"@zaynmalik whos that girl you''ve been seen with a lot lately," I knew they would know about her by now. We didn't do anything without the fans knowing about it. It was kind of crazybecause some of the things were impossible to know yet they still found them out.

I tweeted some people back and followed a few people when I got a call fall carson. I looked at the time and it was around three in the morning. Picking up I couldn't hear anything.

"Carson," No answer.

"Carson?" Again no answer.

I was about to hang up when I heard a deep male voice yell something. I knew he was talking to her and hearing those harsh words directed at her killed me. He was her dad for gods sake.

Then I headrd her scream, "It's not like you care about her anymore. You were the one who was fucking that girl that just left not me,"

All of sudden there was a sound of somebody slappig somebody across the face and I knew it was Carson who got hit. They kept screming back and forth at each other while I jumped out of bed and running out of my room.

It got quiet all of a sudden and then I heard Carson moan in pain.

"Zayn where are you going?" I heard Niall ask as him and Harry walked out of the living room.

"Carson's in trouble," I told them running out of the flat.

I heard then running behind me and we all got in the car around the same time.

"Wait how'd you know she's in trouble?" I Harry asked as I sped down the stree probably breaking every speeding law.

I put my phone of speaker and you could hear the sound of somebody getting hit. After a few minutes the sound stopped and all I heard was a door slamming in the background. I went even faster and after about five minutes we got there.

I ran out og my car without even shutting it or closing the door behind me. All I cared about was her and If she was okay or not. I needed her to be okay. I had no idea what I would do with myself if I lost her.

I ran into her house and my eyes widened when I saw her on the floor. The back of her head was bleeding and there was a pool of blood aeound her head and soaking her hair. He handswere on both wides of her body looking lifeless. Her face was covered in a hand print probably were her dad hit her.

It also hand bruses forming. Her chest was barely rising. I couldn't even movve. I fell to the ground and held her hand and started shaking her trying to make her wake up. She wouldn't even flicker her eyes.

I put my head on her chest only to hear her faint breaths. I couldn't loose her I wouldn't.

~Carsons POV~

I could feel myself being lifted up and lots of noice was around me but I couldn't hear what anybody was saying it was just noice.

Everything hurt. Every part of my body was on fire and I felt like I was going to die. It hurt so much I couldn't even stand the people carrying me.

What if it was my dad? What if he came back with his friends and they tried something on me while I was unconcioius. I couldn't let them do that to me. My inocence was the only thing I have left and I didn't want anybody taking that away until I was ready.

I tried to open my eyes but I failed miserably. I couldn't even get them to open a little bit not a tiny bit. Its like my eyes were super glued together.

I wish Zayn was here. I wish he could hold and hug me and kiss my forehead. I loved it when he kissed my forehead. It made me feel safe and wanted and like he didn't want anything from me. It showed that he wasn't just with me for sex because otherwise he would have kissed me on the mouth.

But kissing on the forehead just had another meaning to it.Its sweet and caring and I just love it.

I wish I had just stayed with him. I shouldn've lostened. I shouldn't have come home. I don't regret flipping on him though. Thats one thing I'll never regret. The only reason he hit me was because he knew what I told him was true. He didn't care anymore.

I would never stop caring for her no matter what. She was the best part of my life and now that she's gone I'm not sure how I survived this long.

I felt something on my mouth and I could finally breath fully again. I wasn't forcing myself to breath I was getting help. Great cause I don't know how much longer I would have lasted.

I still didn't know where I was. But my thoughts were hurting my brain and suddenly everything went blank.


When I woke up well not with my eyes. Everything was still black. I heard beeping sounds. I knew that I had to be at a hospitsl. But who would take me here?

My dad would never even think about getting me near a hospital incease they figured something out. Did one of my neighbors finally notice or hear something and come and get me?

Somebody sudenly grabed my hand in their and I instantly knew it was Zayn. Did he come in the morning and find me like this? Oh god I wish I had just listened to him then I wouldn't have been in this mess in the first place.

Again all I could hear was noice not voices. I wish Zayn would just wrap his arms around me. It was getting cold. Really really cold and suddenly something went wrong. A huge pain from chest caused a loud beeping of a moniter and my body to shake. I wasn't in controle of anything and if I was alive I'd probably be screaming my heart out.

The pain kept n getting worse and worse and I heard yelling but my body wouldn't stop shaking.



So what's up? Today I went to a fair for celebrstion of july fourth and there were fireworks and I loved them I just LOVE FIREWORKS. IDK.

So I realized that there are two types of guys today. There's the grabbing boobs and staring at your body.(there was a guy whos hands were all over his girl friends boobs) and then theirs the sweet nd caring kind of guy(this girl was crying and her boyfriend grabed her and whiped her tears away and hugged her and I was gunna die cause it was so cute and sweet and I wish I had that!)


Idk if I'm more happy to see Ariana or Selena More.

So anyways I hoped you liked this chapter even though it was a sad one.


Dedicated to Bella_13 Because when she comments shse doesn't only comment once but 3 times! So thank you!!




May :) xx

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