Chapter Fourteen

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Fourteen

Being woken up by your hair being pulled and screaming isn't the best way to wake up. My dad had come back from work or wherever he went and came to my room wakingn me up because of a bad day at work and who better to take out his anger than me?

When my mom was alive and he'd have a bad day at work she would make him his favored food for dinner, Lazagna. He would be to mad so he would lock himself in his office. She would go and bring him his plate and leave him alone. Then she's bring him a cup of tea and sit and talk to him and he'd be fine after that. He usually just forgot about it the next day.

I had treid that once but I ended up with the pasta in my hair and all over my face and the plate broken on the floor. Also a lot of yelling and screamming and of course I can't forget the slaps and punches.

I guess he didn't like it because it reminded him too much of my mom. She was everything to him and once he was gone he just didn't know how to deal with the pain so he blamed everything on me. Even though it was all his fault. He was the one who had gotten her killed and he knows it. He's just blames it on me because he doesn't want to blame it on himself.

Nobody knew it was his fault but me. I was the only one that knew. When I confrunted him with it things didn't go well.  Lets just say I ended up passing out and I woke up the next day in the hospital and he had told the doctors that I had gotten beaten up on the way home from school.

Of course they would believe him. Why would anybody want to think that a father is beating his daughter for something she didn't do? For any reason at all? Nobody would want to hear that. Nobody would want to believe that so they all believed what they knew wasn't true just to put their minds at ease not caring about how much it hurt anybody else as long as they were okay.

This is the kind of world we lived in. Everybody cared about themselves and nobody cared about each other. Nobody cared if you were hurt or not. As long as they were okay then everything was okay. Of course there was police but did they even care about you or are they just doing their jobs? They're probably just doing their jobs.

People are like monsters. They hurt and kill others to save themselves from the truth, the pain, and everyday harships. They pushed it back not wanting to feel it. They kept it burried back inside of them not knowing what else to do with it. 

I wasn't going to be like them. i wasn't going to be like them, a monster. Nomatter what I wasn't going to forget about anybody. I wont stop caring for anybody it too hard. If I see somebody in pain I instantly want to help them. Its just something in me that makes me go and help.

I also learned that not everybody was like that. Zayn for example was far from that. Zayn was kind, sweet, gental, amazing, beautiful, caring. He was everything I needed and wanted and I never thought I'd meet somebody like that in my life. 

Zayn made me happy but I guess life is just like that. It can't let you be happy for too long without throwing something at you to change everything. Thats how I ended up on my bedroom floor with blood oozing out of my nose. I could feel a bumb forming on my forhead and bruses all over my body.

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