Chapter Three

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Three

I somehow fell asleep out side because the next thing I know I'm being dragged my my hair inside the house and thrown on the side.

I looked up to see my dad there coming closer and closer with a evil glint in his green eyes that looked exactly like mines. It was one of the only things we had in common.

"Next time if you don't want to sleep outside then you shut the fuck up and don't make any noise while I'm sleeping you bitch," he yelled as he kicked me in the stomach causing me to double over in pain.

He picked me back up by my hair and pushed me towards the kitchen hard causing me to fall face first on the ground.

"Go make me some food and hurry up I don't have anytime people are coming over," he yelled and with one last kick he walked away leaving me to run to the kitchen no matter how much pain I was in.

When he said he needed something fast it meant he needed something fast. If i wasn't done then he would beat me up and I don't want to get anymore of that I've already gotten enough.

I grabbed four eggs from the fridge and cracked the on the pan an got Bacon and quickly got a beer from the fridge. I got a plate just in time for the eggs to finish and put it on the plate along with three pieces of bacon.

I grabbed the plate along with the beer and walked over to the living room where he was sitting on the couch flipping through the TV channels.

I handed him the plate and beer and quickly walked out knowing he hated seeing me.

I reminded him too much of my mom. I had the same long brown wavy hair and same oval shaped face. The only difference between the two of us was that my mom was a little taller and instead of having brown eyes I had my dads green.

Walking outside I went under the porch to retrieve Zany's blazer I had hid the night before knowing that of my dad saw it he would obviously know I went somewhere and would be the shit out of me.

I picked it up and quickly went inside closing the door quietly and went to the washing machine and put it in. I don't know how I was ever going to get this to Zayn. He probably left back to England by now.

It's kind of weird knowing that Zayn Malik 1/5 from One Direction had dropped me off at home yesterday.

I went upstairs and locked my bedroom door an grabbed a pair of Jeans and a long sleeved shirt from my closet. I got a clean underwear and bra and went to the bathroom. I needed a long warm shower to help me relax and think things through.

When I walked in I found one of my dads razor on the sink. It was weird my dad never shaved. Thinking back to this morning I remembered that his face had been shaved I just hadn't noticed it at the time.

I put my clothes down an walked over to the razor and picked it up and sat on the ground cross cross apple sauce.

I had never thought about cutting, ever! But now that I had something to do it with I wondered why not? Why not feel the physical pain instead of the emotional.

Why don't I forget about being worthless, ugly, useless for a while? I took the razor and slid it across my right wrist causing blood to Burt out and making me wince. I slid it across again forgetting about everything.

Forgetting about how my dad beats me up everyday for fun. I forget about how he blames me for her death even though it wasn't. I forget about being ugly and useless. I forget about being that need in school that nobody talks to too. I forget about everything and the only thing going through my mind is the pain from those two cuts.

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