Chapter Twenty

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Twenty

My body kept on shaking and the machines kept on making these weird beeping noices. I could feel people trying to hold me down but my body kept on shaking snd there was nothing I could do about it. My head was spinning and my fand were shaking and I could tell everything was chaos it the room I was in.

Suddenly something sharp when in my arm near my elbow and my body slowly went slack. My hands and body stopped shaking. People stopped grabbing me and my head stopped spinning but only for the darkness to concume me.


When I woke up I still couldn't open my eyes. I felt somebodys hand holding mine which I could tell who it was, Zayn.

Its weird that he's here, but at the same time I wanted him to be here. I wanted Zayn to hold me when I cry, to shower me with kisses, to whipe away the tears, to hold my hands in his and never let go, to be mine.

I wish he could be mine, but he had millions of girls that loved him all around the world it wouldn't be hard for him to fall for one of them after a while and leave me alone. It would kill me but if he was happy then I was too.

I hadn't even noticed that I had my eyes open staring at a sleeping Zayn who was still holding my hand until he stirred his head on my bed so I couldn't really see his face all I could see was his hair on the top of his head.

He was lgihtly snooring but it was cute although I'm not sure if I thought of it as cute only because he was Zayn or not. His head moved off the bed and he rubbed him eyes with one hand the other still holding mine.

Still not noticing me being awake I took his features in. He had a light stubble and his eyes were red and under them he had bags making him look like he hadn't slept and had been crying for a while. It made me sad seeing his tired eyes.

"I love you so much Car. Please wake up," He said his eyes getting sad.

"Zayn," I said trying to make him notice that I was infact awake.

"No wait, let me finish. I don't know what I'd do with out you. You're like my drug and with out you I don't think I can survive,"

"Zayn?" I tried again but he still didn't pay any attention to me.

"I swear to you I will find that son of a bitch and I'll make him pay for the way he hurt you. You diserve so much better and I'm going to give you so much better I promise you I just need you to wake up fo-"

"Zayn, I'm awake," I told him this time he looked at me and his eyes were wide.

"You're awake!" He smile so big I thought his mouth was going to pop right off his face.

"Well thats what I was trying to tell you but 'no wait let me finish'" I said with a laugh as the blush rose to his cheeks at how he didn't notice me. I decided to be nice and not tease him about it. Well not now anyways.

"I gotta go tell the doctor that you're awake," He said getting up.

It was hard for him to let go of my hand though. "Zayn you have to let go to go tell the doctor," I told him trying to pull my hand away.

"But what if I leave you and something bad happens?" He asked worriedly.

"Wait isn't there a button over here to call the Doctor," I asked looking over the wall trying to find it.

"Oh yeah," Zayn smiled sheepishly and pulled a remote the was attatched to my bed. He pressed a button and a voice answered.

"Hello, is there anything we can help you with? Are you okay?" The nurse asked.

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