Chapter Eighteen

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Eighteen

"Carson, calm down. Why are you in such a rush?" Zayn asked pulling my arm before I was able to open his door to his room and leave.

"My dad's going to kill me if I don't go home," I told him my voice panicky.

"Come on I'm sure he wont notice," He says trying to reason with me.

"He's going to notice. He notices everything. I've lived with him long enough to know that," I told him trying to pull my hand out of his iron grip but he wouldn't budge. 

"I don't want you to go. He's going to hurt you again and you're already hurt enough today," He said clear worry in his eyes. 

"I've handeled it all these years, I'm pretty sure I could handle it today," I told him.

"That doesn't make me feel any better. I hate seeing you hurt," He said tugging a piece of my hair behind my hair. I noticed that he did it a lot and it was more soothing than anoying. 

"I hate seeing those bruses on your face," He said in a sad tone.

"If I don't go today tomorrow its going to be even worse," I told him truthefully trying to let him let me go.

"Who said I was going to let you go tomorrow," He said with no hint of jocking in his face.

"Zayn you just can't keep me with you," I told him still trying to make him let go of my hand.

"Why not?" He whined. Yes, he actually whined.

"Because I have to go home Zayn. Now please take me home," I told him.

"Okay fine but I'm going to take you to school tomorrow morning and If I find one little scratch on you then you're never going back there again," He said sternly and I just nodded. 

He sighed and grabbed his keeps and phone from on the desk and stuffing them to the pocket on his skinnies. 

"Lets go," He said sadly grabbing my hand in his and walking out of his room.

"Guy's I'm going to bring Carson home," Zayn shouted and suddenly four bodies came flying at me. 

"Carson are you alright," Liam aked concern clear in his voice. 

I didn't get to answer him because I was asked another question by a worried looking Niall," You okay? Is anything hurting you?" 

Bomered with another question from Louis I wasn't able to answer."Do you want me to get you anything are you hurt?" 

And lastly harry,"Are you okay? Why're you leaving already?" He asked his emerald eyes shining with concern and worry. 

"Guys I'm fine," I said with a chuckle but stopped right away and winced when the pain in the back of my head increased I seemed to forgrt I was hurt with Zayn.

"I just need to get home 'sall. My dad will freak if he goes home and doesn't find me there. You uknow how parents are and everyhting," I told them trailing off even though I knew nothing about how parents were since one of mines dead and the other beats me everyday blaming me for everything. 

They all noded and let us go telling me to feel better. Zayn was silent the whole way to the car and all the way to my house. 

When we stooped right in front of my house I turned to him to getting out of the car.

"Zayn, what's wrong?" I asked him as he sighed and threw his head back.

"I don't want you going in there concert. You think I like seeing you hurt? I hate it and I wish I could go and beat the shit out of that guy. I swear I would if you'd just let me. I don't want you to go in there and get hurt which is what's going to happen," He said angerly.

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