Chapter Ten

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Nobody Compares 

Chapter Ten

Normal people would turn around and run after hearing a gun shot. But I walked over to the living room trying to see what happened. It was probably one of the stupidest thing to do but I needed to see what happened I couldn't just run away when somebody might be hurt. 

Walking into the living room I heard another gunshot and I jumped again. Turning around I sighed when I noticed it was the TV that my dad had probably forgotten to turn off. Quickly turning it off I went back to the kitchen and took some frozen food out of the freezer putting it on a plate and into the microwave. 

When ever there are left overs I usually save them in the freezer just incase I come home late from school or work. Its saved me from getting beat so many times. When the mircrowave beeped siganling that the the food was heated I brought it out setting it on the table with a spoon. I went and grabbed a glass of water and right when I set it sown the door opened and in came my dad.

"The food better be ready. I've beein working all fucking day and I'm hungry," He yelled as he walked into the kitchen.

I quickly stepped back from the food and looking down. He sat down on the table and ate. After a few minutes he asked for another glass of water. Quickly getting it I walked back to give it to him. I dont know how but I somehow tripped causing the water to fall all over the placce and some to even fall on him.

I could here his chair being thrown back as he stompped over to me and yancked me up by my hair. He didnt say anything just punched me the stomach causing me to double over. He kned me in the facecausing me to fall back. I could feel the warm mytalic blood flowing down from my nose.

He kept kicking me in the side I could feel the bruises forming. My vision started to blur and all I could see were black spots. After a few seconds my vison turned completely balck as I passed out.


Waking up I was on the kitchen floor. Not knowing why I got up hearing somebody knocking on the door. I got up walking to the door opeining it to a smiling Zayn who's face  turned quickly into a frown and eyes showing concern. 

"What the hell happened to your face? Why are you bleeding," He asked putting his hand carefully on my nose causing it to sting. 

"I-I fell down the stairs," I said stuttering. 

It was kind of a good excuse. It was actually one of the best lies I've ever made. 

"Come on lets get the blood off your face," He said as he walked in.

I walked him to the bathroom and he lifted me by my waist and placed me on the counter. He grabbed napkins putting water on it and started  whipping off the blood. 

"You need to be careful you could of seriously hurt yourself. Broke a bone or something," He said in a soft voice. 

I nodded in response not really knowing what to say. For some weird reason it felt weird lying to Zayn. I hated it and just couldnt stand it. 

"I dont think your nose is broken. Does it really hurt?" He asked looking at my nose and soflty touching it.

"Kind of," I said wincing. 

He sighed and then smiled softly at me. "You wanna go do something today?" He asked.

"Like what?" I asked as I hopped off the counter.

"Well maybe we could have lunch and then we'll see from there," He said as we walked out of the bathroom. 

"I have school though," I told him with a frown not really wanting to go.

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