Chapter Twenty Three

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Twenty Three

Zayn froze and stared at me shocked for a few seconds before his face turned into a huge smile. his eyes shinning with happiness. He pecked my lips and then I let go of his neck and I slid down my feet conecting to the floor.

Zayn still stared at me for a few seconds a weird glint in his eyes.

"What?" I asked him blushing a little.

"Nothing," He said looking away and smiling to himself.

"It's still kind of early you want to go out somehwere?" Zayn asked breaking the silence that had preveously taken over.

"Sure, let me just get changed into something a little more casual," I told him walking off to my room. I quickly took off what I was wearing and put on a pair of skinnies along with a random shit and a sweat over it. I grabbed my ballet flats and put them on and looked at myself one last time before exiting the room to Zayn who was just leaning against the door.

A few weeks ago I wouldn't have even cared how I looked. I wouldn't have spent time looking at myself in the mirror fixing my hair to make it look perfect or making sure I looked good, but now I had Zayn and I was so self concious around him.

What if I looked like crap and Zayn finally decided he had didn't want me. What if he decided he wanted a pretty girl instead of ugly me? I had to atleast try to look better.

Zayn smiled when he saw me and I instantly smiled back. He led the way to his car and we both got in and he drove off.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as I turned to look at him.

"Well, I thought that maybe we could eat at the Diner that you used to work at," Zayn said turning to look at me to see me reaction.

I smiled instantly loving the idea. I havent seen Anna and he husband in so long. I really missed them." That'd be great I really missed Anna,"

I had stopped working at the Diner after the acident with my father that casued me to go to the Doctors. Anna had heard what happend and Zayn had told me that I didn't need to work since I would be living with him. I of course argued with that and how I oculdn't just use his money but in the end he had obviously won.

I told Anna and she was sad but them she said she was was happy because finally could overwork myself. She also now knew about my father. I'm pretty sure everybody in town knew. I already saw it on a news paper which made me only want to get it and rip it to shreds since it wasn't anybpdy elses buisness but mine.

People didn't underdtand that though they were too ignorent to realize how I would be effected by it, but I was used to people being selfish and only caing about themselves so it wasn't something new for me.

We arrived at the Diner and it was slow as usual for this time since the Diner usually got all its work at night.

We walked into the diner hand in hand and the first person I noticed in the shop was Anne who was talking away to her husband. Anne was definatly a talker. I really don't know how her husband could stand all that talking until now. She could seriously go on for days.

"Anne," I said with clear happiness in my voice casuing her to turn around. She quickly walked closer to me and envalopped me in a hug.

I tensed a bit still not used to getting hugs but she didn't seem to notice as she hugged me even harder.

"Okay Anne that's enoguh. I think you better stop before you ssqueeze the poor girl to death," Her husband John said with a chuckle as he pulled her back.

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