Chapter Eight

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Eight

We had just finished eating something that I hadn't had in a very long time. Mac and cheese and oh were they good! I ate every last bit of them.

Turns out it was the only thing zayn could cook. That and Ramen noodles which I also hadn't had in a very long time.

I put my plate in the sink and turned to Zayn with a blush on my face. He smiled at me also putting his plate in the sink.

"I guess I should be taking you home now its getting kind of late," He said looking at the clock on the wall.

I nodded not really wanting to go back to the hell I call home but it was getting late. He grabbed his jacket and I grabbed my jacket putting it on and grabbed my school bag and we were out and on our way to the car.

I kept looking at Zayn the whole car ride and he finally noticed and turned to me and i turned away not wanting to be caught staring.

"What?" he asked and i turned to see a smile on his face.

"Nothing," I said with a blush on his face.

I couldn't just tell him oh you're so sexy and i can't stop looking at you and everything you do i hot now could I? That would just be weird considering that we've only known each other for three days now.

"No tell me," He pleaded stopping at a traffic light.

"Its just its weird that you want to be my friend. You Zayn Malik from one direction and then Im..Im nobody," I told him not exactly lying. I wasn't exactly telling the truth either though oh well no harm done.

"Just because I'm famous doesn't mean you're nobody. You're somebody to me, to your friends, and to your family. The world doesn't have to know you. And people will still care about you," He told me touching my hand. I flinched a little and he noticed and pulled away but didn't ask me any questions about it.

I flinched more than once tonight when he tried to touch me and he hadn't said anything about it any of those times either. I guess that was why I liked being around him. He didn't ask me so many questions about my life. He didn't' like to get into my personal life and I needed somebody like that right now.

"I don't have friends though and nobody cares about me," I blurted out but quickly covered my hands with my mouth.

Gosh why was I so stupid? Why can't I just keep my mouth shut? Why? Now he's going to think I'm a loner. Even though Zayn didn't ask questions I felt the need to spill all my deepest darkest secrets to him. I just felt like I could be myself around him I don't know why.

"Well I'm your friend," He told me with a smile.

"You don't even know me," I stated.

"I want to though. You seem really nice and you don't scream and yell in my face 'OMG ITS ZAYN MALIK' every two second like every other girl does," He said imitating a girls screech.

I smiled at that and a small laugh escaped my lips. "Believe me you don't want to," I told him the smile instantly falling off of my face.

"No believe me, I do." He asked a frown appearing on his perfect face.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I didn't believe Zayn would want to be my friend. Come on he's so perfect and I'm so not.

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