Chapter Twenty One

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Twenty One

"Who are you?" Zayn asked confussion clear in his voice.

I didn't look at him cause my gaze was glued to the monster in front of me. The one who caused me all this shit. The one who inflicted all this pain on me. The one whos the cause of why I'm in this place. He was stading with an angry expression as if he wanted to murder me.

"I'm her father. Who the fuck are you?" He growled out glaring at Zayn. "Is this your fuck buddy you little slut?" He asked as his hands formed into fists.

"You're the asshole who did this to her?" Zayn asked as his own hands turned into fists his knuckles turning white.

"No I'm nother fuck buddy I'm actually the one whos going to kick your ass for putting her here," Zayn smirked as my dad threw his head back and laughed loudly.

I've never seen Zayn fight before but When we had met Matt for the first time he seemed really angry like he would kill him. Zayn also had this badboy vibe to him. Like the one's you read about in the books. Quiet and mysterious and intimedating.

"This is my daughter I can do whatever the hell I want to do to her and you can't fucking stop me," My dad said getting closer to me causing Zayn to stand infront of me protectivly.

"Not if I have a say in it," Zayn said and I couldn't see his face anymore since his back was to me.

"Get the fuck out of my way," My dad whispered angerly.

"No," That word sent my dads fist to fly to zayns face.

Zayns face flew to the left but he stood him ground rubbing his face he looked up to my dads smirking face. Zayn's fist quickly flew out and pucned my dad in the face. Without giving him time to recover he grabbed him by his head and brung it down banging it against his knees.

"Thats for you making her cry in the middle of the ally the night I found her," He pulled my dads head back and his nose was bleeding. He punched him in the face again and then kicked him to the ground. "That's for you making her cut herself,"

He kicked his stomach causing me dad to growan in pain."That's for causing her pain all these years when all she needed was someone to love her," He continued to kick his stomach.

He grabbed him by his shirt and kept pounding his fists into his bloody face. "This is for making her go to the hospital and almost killing her and taking the best thing in my life away from me," With one last punch Zayn left my dad and he sled to the floor groaning and moaning out in pain.

Zayn turned around to me a bruise already forming on his perfect face where my dad hit him. "Call the doctor fo-" He didn't get to complete his sentence because my dad flew up from the floor and pushed zayn to the ground so fast I didn't even have time to warn him.

My dad kept thowing punch after punch getting ontop zayn. I screamed not being able to get up from the bed with everything that was conected to me. Zayn was struggling for air. I grabbed the remote and yelled "Help help please somebody help,"

"Please get off of him I'll go with you. J-just stop hurting him!" I screamed my head was spinning from something the nurse had given me earlier and my body was so weak I was barely able to sot up on the bed. Tears were streaming rapidly down my face.

"STOP," I screamed one last time as the door burst open and doctors and nurses flew in. They seemed to be forzen at what they saw and then they quckly got out of it when I screamed at them to do something still trying to get these needles out of my skin so I could go and see if Zayn was okay.

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