Chapter Fifteen

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Nobody Compares

Chapter Fifteen

"Can we at least go some place else?" I asked in a soft voice pointing toward the semi empty school parking lot.

He nodded and we drove off. The car ride was silent but in my head it was anything but. Thoughts were  all over my brain and I didn't know what to do. I knew if I made something up then he'd obviously know I was lying. 

I had to tell him the truth and that was final. I couldn't do anything other than tell him the truth. I didn't know if I could do this. He would be thr first person I've ever told this too and it scared me. 

When he parked in front of his house I started to get even more nervous. I hopped out of the car and we walked up to his apartment. He opened the door and we both stepped in. The house was quiet meaning nobody was here. 

Zayn took my hand and led me to a room. I could easily identify it as Zayn's bedroom once he opened the door. i was surprisingly clean for a boy but it was still messy. His room was way more colorful than mine though.

His room was a mixture of red, white, and black. He had white walls with a black sheet ontop and a red blanket. His cutins were red and black. He had a TV right in front of the bed and a couch on the far left corner of the room. He led me to his bed that was placed in the middle and I sat down on it and placing me back on the headbord him doing the same.

"A few years back I had woken up in the middle of the night. I decided to go sownstairs and get a cup of water. When I went down to the kitchen I-I-I s-saw m-my mom she was lying on t-the floor d-d-dead. She had red all over her her eyes were open and it was like she was staring directly at me. I did the only thing I could do, I screamed. There was a big kitchen knife next to her d-d-dead body and it was covered in blood. The whole floor was covered in blood actually.

      I wasn't even feeling anything that was going on around me. All that I kept seeing when I'd blink my eyes would be her wide frightened eyes staring into mine and red. I-It  was everywhere. All over her all over the floor. E-everywhere. I didn't even noticed that my dad had called the piiloce and I didn't even feel myself walk to the car. The next think I knew I was in the hospital waiting for the doctor to tell us If my mom was okay.

     After about half an hour which actually felt like hours the doctot came out of the room with a non redable expression on his face. When he told us she was d-dead I just couldn't take it I fainted. It was all too much for me to take in. Just that morning my mom and I had went shopping and went out to eat together and we had probably one of the funnest days ever. The she was there d-dead I just couldn't handle it.

     When I woke up I got to go home after a day. When the funeral came I couldn't even cry. I was to hurt I couldn't even do anything. I didn't hear anything that happened around me or feel anything. I was in too much pain to do anything really. The a few weeks later I was up in my room and  heard shouting downstair. I crept down the stairs and all I could do was hear the people talking I couldn't really see anything.

     That day I found out why she was dead. Why she had died and who's fault it was. It was him, my poor excuse of a father. He had been getting really bad in money so he needed some cash and he did what he thought would be good but it ended up killing my family. He had started to deal in drugs and shit and then started to use the drugs. He owed some people money and when he couldn't pay it they had to do something to him.

    The killed the only thing my dad truley ever cared about, my mom. It killed him inside knowing that it was his fault. That night I went downstair to eat dinner and confronted him that I heard and that I knew everything. He ended up looking control and he s-start-ted to hit me. He almost kncked me out cold that night.

            It slowly got worse ever that. he'd always come home drunk and If I did the slightest thing wrong he'd h-hit me for it. The day you had founf me I was trying to get something in the middle of the night and I made a lot of noice and woke him up. He came down and started yelling and he-he hit me and kicked me out. He always yells at me when he's beating me up saying that it my fault but its not. It his own faullt.

       He was to guilty to blame it on himself. He knows he's the one who killed her but he took his anger out on the first thing he had seen and unfortinatly that was me," I told him tears in my eyes and some of them falling down my face.

I looked up at Zayns face to see him angry. It confussed me so much. He had his hands in fists. Some way between my story I had fallen into Zayns arm my head on his chest. He pulled away and looked at me his eyes black.

"I promise you thaat I'll get him back for every single thing he's done to you. I will get him back for every single tear he's made you cry," He said his face hard with anger.

I believed every single word he said. It was hard not to with the look in his eyes said it all. I took his fist in my hand and spred his fingures out and ran my hand up and down his chest trying to calm him down. After a few minuted he seemed to relax. He kissed the top of my head and I smile.

"I promise you," He said one last time before there was a loud bang on the front door that caused us both to jump up.

"Zayn open up! Come on move your lazy ass Malik!" I heard screaming and Zayn sighed as we both got up with somebody still banging on the door. 

When Zayn opened up Louis was mid way with his hand in a fist wanting to pound on the door. Harry, Liam, and Niall were all behind him with smiles on there faces.

"Hey Carson!" Niall said cheerily as he walked to the room followed by a Harry and Liam and a "whats up," and "hows it going".

We all sat down in the living room and everybody was talking together in random conversations. I sat next to Zayn and he took his hand in mine. 

"So," Harry started. " Erm..."

"I couldn't have said it better myself harry," I said as the boys laughed and a blush spread across Harrys face.

"Aww are you blushing Styles?" Louis teased. 

"Shut up," Harry grumbled hitting louis sholder causing louis to wince in pain and pout at harry. 

Harry just stuck his tongue out at him in a childish way. We continued to talk and we decided we should go and eat. Since Zayn didn't have any food we decided to go out. 

Walking into McDonalds we all ordered and Harry and Niall volinteered to stay and wait for our food.  It was really nice having a day out like this. To be honest telling Zayn wasn't that much of a bad Idea. I actually felt like a weight was lifted off of my sholders. 

Before we left we all decided to get Ice Cream. Walking out of the store me and Zayn in the front I heard a shriek behind us. Turning around I saw Harry with ice cream in his face and hair and Niall and Louis both empty handed laughing their asses off. Thats when I knew that I'd love hanging out with these boys and that they might actually become part of my life.

That there arent only bad people in this world and that love was real and not everybody was a monster. 

New chapie wow I'm on a role! I've been updating pretty fast don't you think? Yay! So what do you think? A few questions have been answered! SHE FINALLY TOLD ZAYN WHAT HAPPENED! YAY!

Anyways I hope you liked it! I finally finish sc(hell)ool next tuesday the 25th YOU CAN HEAR ME SCREAMING ALL THE WAY IN CHINA! 

Niall does weekly follow sprees now! I might actually have a chance now! Just kidding he'll never notice me! :(

So hope you liked it! I absaloutly love writing this book thanks so much for all the votes, reads, and comments! ( I'M ALMOST AT 1,000) 


May :)

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