Uehara Shingen

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A/N: Just a warning, there's a bit of self-harm mentioned. Actually, I'm not sure whether we can really call it self harm. He isn't doing it on purpose, he just wants to stop hearing what he heard. Okay, maybe that is self-harm

~Drawbacks Of A Mind That Remembers~

Yui had led Tsuna to the common room as they waited for the other three to return. She then left to bring him some refreshments, and the brunet took the time to take in his surroundings.

This was the house his star guardian built after the war. There was a touch of Italian etched in the way the room was constructed, and the decorations were mostly Japanese, probably from the influence of his spouse or someone Japanese when he decided to settle here.

Yui returned with tea and some sweets, and then sat opposite of Tsuna, her legs crossed with dignity. There was a certain air that she carried, and Tsuna was impressed. She is definitely set to be the next head of the household, even though she is only a detective now. She drummed her fingers against her thighs, trying not to look impatient, but the brunet knew better.

"I apologise for how rude I sounded earlier. You must be very confused."

Yui merely stared, cocking an eyebrow. 

"You see, these rings are special. You won't believe me due to the nature of your job, but these rings are able to–No, it's a complicated topic. Time is a delicate topic after all."

Yui's silence seemed to be challenging Tsuna to continue, but the old soul knew better than to indulge in the adult's curiosity. With a parting glance, the brunet smiled mysteriously at the woman.

"I'm older than you think, Uehara-san."

Suddenly, a shrill scream tore through the mansion.


Kaito grabbed the child by his wrists, stopping the damaging motion the boy was doing to his ears. Nobuyuki stood in horrified silence as he watched Conan screamed his throat sore and scratch forcefully at his ears. 

"Aku! Aku, can you hear me? Aku!" Kaito desperately called, shaking the boy to wake him up from whatever memory he trapped himself in. However, Conan seemed to be deaf to all pleads as he continued to scream silently, losing his voice to the horrors in his head. Kaito could only rely on lip reading to understand what he was 'seeing'. 

"Maman, why can't I just leave?"

"Maman, why teach me all these only for me to be a puppet?"

"Maman, why don't you just let me go? I'm sick of being told what to do when my little brother didn't need permission for anything he does!"

"Why am I born? I am unwanted!"

Kaito gulped as those words registered in his head. He knew how twisted his family was by any standard, but to 'hear' it directly from his older brother was like a punch to his gut. He had always juggled with the idea, but he never knew how real it was to Aku. He should have done more to right things–make his own stand when he was there. He should have noticed what was happening behind his bedroom doors. Maybe, perhaps, he would have–no, what was done cannot be reversed. Right now, he could only stop his brother from self-harm. 

"No harm is to befall on Altair. So it's all right to do away with your other son?! He's merely his shadow puppet, isn't he? Aren't I?! "

There were thumping footsteps, but Kaito could not tear his eyes off his distraught brother. Nobuyuki acknowledged Tsuna and Yui, promptly striding over to explain the situation.

"We found the rings. When Aku-sama put the ring on, something must have happened and he started to scream. He was then trying to tear his ears off, as if trying to block off some noise he heard. Do you know what's happening?"

Tsuna gave Conan a glance, but instead, he saw the man he saw last time. The image was not flickering, it did not disappear after he blinked. Kaito's hair then began to turn black in response to Conan's awakening memories. He knew his hair was turning blond again, judging from the gasp from Yui.

"My father is threatening to kill my brother."

"Yes, yes I do." Fortunately, these were adults who do not need extra clarification. What was seen has been seen. Giotto then supplied. 

"Don't worry. This will be over soon."

Nobuyuki nodded his head dumbly. Giotto pulled on his gloves and then knelt next to Altair. He gently nudged the moon guardian aside, quickly taking over his role. His hands were then covered in bright sky flames, coaxing the dark blue flames of the star out to harmonise. 

Altair could feel his own flames mingling with the other two. Silver joined the curious combination of amber and navy, creating a pillar of odd coloured flames. Yet, his eyes were fixed on Aku, whose struggles have lessened, enough for the sky guardian to let go. Aku's arms fell to his sides, then slowly, his eyes shut and he toppled forward. Giotto managed to catch the boy in time before he faceplanted. None of them registered the new ring forms. He then looked at the younger brother for answers.

"The wall has fallen," Altair answered helpfully. "Kawahira told me that this will happen. He just received all his memories. That means he remembered the guilt for not being there. Conan and Aku are actually really similar in personality. If there are no hidden masks that I'm unaware of, be prepared for a good amount of rejection and refusals."

Aku then shifted in his arms. A groan, and his eyes fluttered open. His sclera was black, which terrified Giotto for a second before the blond remembered. His gaze roamed around blearily before it fixed on the familiar blond, fluffed-up hair and the star guardian scampered out of his hold. His arms pushed out defensively. With a controlled voice, Aku told him.

"Leave, Gio."

Giotto heard the mutter from Altair. "Here it comes."

"Get out of my house, Giotto."

The blond straighted himself to his full height, towering over the boy who had just unlocked his memories. Any other little boy would be afraid, but the boy before him was no mere boy. He was an adult stuck in a Primary school student's body. His mind just went from twenty years old to more than a century old. Giotto saw the Aku he knew from the past. Altair had warned him just a few moments ago, to "be prepared for rejection and refusals". 

That must include the forceful shove out of his old residence. 

"But Aku, we've missed you."

Aku faltered, his arms bending, but it was not enough. It was evident the guilt was eating him. His guilt seemed to have returned tenfold. "Miss me? You shouldn't. Not after sending my brother and I to the Corvino family as undercovers, so we will live. You know we'll live, didn't you? You were expecting us to guide the future Vongola. You went to war with the Corvino with that knowledge in mind and went to die."

Giotto froze. "So you knew."

Aku's hand flew to his chest, "then you should know why I'm begging you to leave. Please, Giotto, leave." The cloth bunched up in his fist twisted so much, he could feel the agony of the star guardian.

Giotto looked to Altair, then Nobuyuki and Yui. He forgot those two are still here. Altair returned his gaze and nodded.

"Give him time. It's not going to be easy. He has a lot on his plate now."

Aku now clung to the shirt of Altair, the apologies spilling out endlessly from the boy's lips. There was definitely something between the two brothers that the rest did not know about. With his hair now brunet again, he turned to the two Uehara descendants. 

"Let's leave this to Kaito. It's not our place to be here."

The last thing he heard before leaving the room was Altair's voice consoling Aku. He could not help but await the day when Aku forgives himself for something that was not his fault. Perhaps then, they can end all the sh*t that plagued the two brothers then and now.

A/N: Well, in the chapter that I'm currently writing, I've ran into a road block. Hopefully, I can write that chapter in a satisfying manner. 

Happy Deepavali/Dewali to those celebrating! (I know I'm two/three days behind HAHA)

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