Uehara Yui

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"Uehara Shingen..." Conan mulled at the back of his head. There was nothing new coming forth since then, and the little boy sighed. 

Ran could only watch Conan silently as the boy tried to pull his hair out, not sure how exactly to help him. She gently removed his fingers that grabbed the roots of his hair, tightly securing them in her grasp to prevent further damage*.

Conan kept mum, relishing in the warmth of his 'older sister's' hands. Kogorou could only sigh at the blatant display of affection between his daughter and freeloader. The trip to Nagano was silent and uncharacteristically colder than usual. 

When they arrived at the Nagano station, they were greeted by their client who led them to the site. However, when they arrived, they were dragged into solving another murder case. When Inspector Yamato arrived, Conan found his breath caught in his throat. 

Because when there's Inspector Yamato, there's also Detective Uehara–Uehara Yui, the person they are looking for. 

His head began to spin as he started to take short, quick breaths. Conan could not help but think to himself, "this has been happening a lot lately. Is this related to my memories?"

"Conan-kun, are you okay?" Ran's concerned voice jolted him out of his wake. Her hand was gripping his shoulder tightly, it hurts due to her monstrous strength. Yet, he could feel that gentleness that Ran always had. He nodded and smiled at her, doing his best to allay her worries. 

As usual, the case became more needlessly complicated because of a certain dog detective. The Nagano police looked at Conan with disbelief, as if asking: "How is this person not improving for the last 2 years?"

Conan shrugged, then joined them in the investigation. Turns out, the killer was their client's mother, who was desperate to get her child to inherit the wealth of the entire family. There was some miscommunication between the older couple, which forced the hand of the woman. It was regrettable, but no one should resort to murder to gain anything at all, not even for revenge.

Inheritance–a familiar concept to Conan as Aku. He was not able to understand Aku and Altair's family decisions, even though it was supposedly traditions for the second child to be the family heir. 

Now, about his broken memories. It was like he was standing in front of all his answers, but he was unwilling to pick any of them up. Uehara Yui was standing right there, just a few meters away from him. All he had to do is walk to her, say what he has to say, then watch her reaction. 

Yet, he just stood there, as if waiting for her to notice him, to walk to him, to talk to him. He slapped his cheeks as if trying to wake up. Yui turned around just as he did, and lifted an eyebrow. Conan gulped.

Yui lifted an eyebrow, startled by the boy's actions. The words he needed were just at the tip of his tongue. 

"... We may grovel at someone's feet, or we may lead a fleet. But we'll always be traitors–our wings are clipped. As we have abandoned our home, the family that took us in."

Yui froze, her eyes growing wide with alarm. She turned to face him fully, with her posture as stiff as a rock. The boy's eyes seemed so hesitant as he said those sentences, but his lips were pressed in a thin, firm line. 

She narrowed her eyes. "How did you– Why do you know those words?"

Conan cannot explain what he needed to. It just came to him. He stared wide eyed at Yui, hoping she would just ignore him, but it was clear that the other could not. If not for the sudden appearance of Kaito and Tsuna, he was sure he would have ran off at that.

"You must be the one we're looking for!" Kaito exclaimed, greeting the detective with a sapphire blue rose habitually. Surprised, Yui jumped at his enthusiastic voice, her hand pressed over her chest as she tried to quickly calm herself down. Tsuna shook his head at the adult.

"Hello, are you Uehara Yui?" Tsuna asked, trying to salvage whatever dignity he lost with Kaito being his partner. Reborn was nowhere to be seen. 

Yui could only nod her head dumbfounded. She looked at the male before her, staring straight into his eyes. His purplish-blue eyes sparkled with expectations, like a child waiting for their parents to buy them candy. Something about the adult before reminded her of one of the unforgettable entries in her great-grandfather's diary–

A spritely younger brother whose eyes sparkled with childlike curiosity. He was not one to hold back, and would often remind me of a reckless soul. He runs his mouth before he thinks, but I hope he's changed. Maybe the miracle of the rings will work with us, and he is now reborn into a new life. Too bad, he would never know where I've moved to now.

"Altair is his name ..." Yui recounted softly, but Kaito caught it anyway. He beamed proudly, while Tsuna feared the power of omerta. Fortunately, there were no signs of the Vindice.

Tsuna could already tell they need no further tryouts already. His intuition had confirmed her identity and proved that she was not lying. Her answer was the answer.

"We have things to discuss with you, about your great-grandfather," Kaito whispered the last part, noting that their current location was not the most ideal location for their talk. 

Withou further ado, Tsuna went to Ran and informed her that they will be taking Conan on a trip from here on. Even though the woman was clearly reluctant, Conan affirmed (albeit reluctantly to) that they were family, cousins in his extended family. Tsuna's heart warmed at the statement, though it crashed the next second when his intuition said it was not what he truly felt. Yet, hope bloomed in his heart.

Yui squinted her eyes at the magician, discerning whether to follow or not.

"Conan-kun will be coming too!" Kaito announced as if his little (big) brother was a bait. Yui sighed and nodded.

Conan could only watch as the adults moved him into a taxi and off to their destination as his brain kept repeating on a loop.

What am I doing?


A/N: Something to note for, I guess. *Boy's already damaged. He can't tell between the present and the past at this moment. Such is the detrimental effect of having your past life's memories, even though they are currently scattered and in pieces, but you really can't help that feeling of brokenness. He's not very aware of this state yet, but it'll all tumble in later.

As of when I finished writing this (12/10/20), The Black Organisation hasn't been taken down and all, but Anokata's identity has been revealed. Kaito KID manga has been on hiatus as usual, so no progress there. Thus, I would not be writing anything in relation to the downfall of the organisations. This story isn't about Vongola helping Kaito KID and Conan take down both organisations (as seen when they both rejected help from Tsuna). Gradually, the point I want to bring across will be revealed, but do note that I will NOT be writing anything heavy in regards to the fall of the organisations. 

(30/3/21) Okay, so I've planned it out. I will not be writing anything in regards to the detective Conan and Kaito 1412 series for the ending. It won't be a cliffy, no worries, but I will not write anything about their finale because neither work is complete irl. Instead, I will be focusing on the theme of this book from the very beginning.

(3/9/21) Okay, so I'm sorry I hadn't update last month. So I've posted 2 chapters today. Sorry about that.

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