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Tsuna flipped through the family album that his mother passed to him. It carried a lot of nostalgia for him, and he always wondered how much he had grown ever since he was a child.

He was still clumsy, still childish but a little more mature than before. His studies had improved ever since the block was removed, and he was now studying business to take over his family's business–sort of. 

However, his brunet hair had grown lighter, far more than before, closer to blond that ever. His eyes were narrower, unlike years ago. His family members were the same–different hair colour, muddled eye colour and they all certainly looked more mature too. 

Reborn was back in Italy, now taking in another student with his teenage-sized body. He comes over occasionally to check on him (and eat Mama's food) and introduce his new students. Was he the proudest student the hitman has ever taken in? He would never know. However, he knew that Reborn would be someone he can count on when he needed it. 

Tsuna started to notice the yellowing pages of the album, noting that he had turned smaller and smaller. How long has he been looking through the pages? 

Yet, there was something compelling him to continue looking through. Until he found it. 

A picture of a huge family outing. At the bottom was Nana's handwriting.

"It's been a while since I've last seen Yukiko-nee-chan. Taken on May 4th XXXX, celebrating Shin-chan's 2nd birthday!"

Gently, he removed the picture from its sleeve. His intuition was poking at his mind to notice the raven-haired boy with a distinct tuft at the back of his head. Somehow, he looked vaguely familiar. Tsuna could hear his mother humming in the kitchen while washing the dishes. 

"Mom," he called out. "Who's this?"

Sensibly, he got up and walked into the kitchen with the picture in hand. He pointed at the raven head that he noticed before. "Who's this, mom?"

Nana's eyes immediately lit up in recognition. "Oh my! That's taken so long ago! You were not even born then!" She giggled. Tsuna could not help but furrowed his eyebrows a little as Nana plunged into her sea of memories without mentioning who the boy was. Just as he was about to repeat his question, Nana replied.

"That boy is your older cousin, Kudo Shinichi."

Tsuna blinked. He never knew he had cousins. Nana continued, as if reading his mind.

"Oh, he is your only cousin. Your father was the only child in his family."

He never knew he only had one cousin. Just then, the name sparked recognition.

"Hold on, Kudo Shinichi? As in, the famous detective over at Tokyo? T-The one who solved many crimes for the police, and thus dubbed the Sherlock Holmes of the East?"

Nana giggled again, but this time, he could hear the pride and joy in her voice. "Yes, he is! Isn't he amazing?"

Tsuna could hardly hold in his gasp of awe. He had such an astounding cousin when he was just an ordinary boy. While he could feel a little dejected, he felt rather proud of his older cousin.

"Yes, he is," he replied. Nana, however, took his reply as self-dejection and proceeded to wrap her arms around her son. The hug was welcomed, but he did not know why.

"Oomph, what's wrong?"

"Don't worry! My Tsuna is an amazing boy too!"

"Oh, I wasn't worried about that, Mama. I'm feeling quite proud of Shinichi-san. I hope you won't compare him to me. Our strengths are quite different!"

Shinichi was known for his deductive abilities, keen observation skills and quick reflexes. Hailed as one of the top geniuses of the century, Shinichi is also the top 0.01% of the country in terms of intellect. 

"Hmm," Nana then frowned. Tsuna felt something wrong immediately, even though his intuition warned him of nothing. 

"It's been a while since I've seen him in the papers, however. I thought he liked the attention because of nee-chan."

If he did not feel the intrigue for his cousin, now he did. 


This is a trial chapter. It's short, but yeah... happy new year!

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