Heist notice

146 11 3

"So Kuroba-san told you all that?"

"Yes, incredibly detailed, even though he mentioned little about the flames. Does his description match your memories?" Reborn lifted an eyebrow.

Tsuna's face scrunched up as he thought deeply. "Pretty much. The moon flame is very good for disguise, from what I remembered. It can take on almost any form, any reflection, and have weight in it. It would be as if you're looking at the real thing, but it's actually not. Altair used it to make new personas whenever he is out for recon.

The star flame is a guidance flame just as he said. It can lead from anywhere, like the stars in the sky, as long as it's visible. The star flame's guide is not limited to just locating things, it can also help in evidence finding, which is how Aku uses it in my memory. Aku's occupation is a detective, he often helped Alaude when the latter needed information, be it for the family or for the CEDEF."

Reborn lifted an eyebrow as he heard Tsuna mentioned Aku's occupation. "He was a detective?"

Tsuna nodded his head affirmatively. "Both he and Altair came from a very weird family. I can't remember its name yet, but I know they were the sons of the boss. Their situation is very complicated, but Aku found joy in his detective work and Altair was a master magician... Say, wouldn't the Vongola Archive have these details? Why are you asking me these questions?"

Reborn turned away in a huff, his arms folded across his chest. "They were all burnt in a fire a few years ago. Whatever left in the archive was whatever salvaged, and they were unfortunately not the information about the moon and star guardians."

"Isn't there a family chart or something?" Tsuna added.

"There are no logs of the moon and star guardians. Why do you think, for the past eight generations, were there no moon nor star guardians appointed?"

Tsuna kept quiet. It did make sense. Ricardo knows Aku and Altair, he could have asked them to be his guardians, but it never happened. Kaito did not mention anything about their lives after the Corvino feud, except the fact that he died before his brother. Could it be that there were no rings to show they exist?

"As the moon and star flames were abnormalities, were there any rings that signified their existence?"

Reborn nodded his head. "Talbot affirmed with us that they exist, but he does not know where they are now. I'm afraid the only one who knows now would be the reincarnation of Aku."

Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows. If Talbot did not know where the rings are, even though they have spirits, that means they were hidden by either Aku or Altair themselves. He thought about Altair. Kaito had retained all his memories, yet he does not wear the ring. Aku, on the other hand, is not in touch with his memories at all. They cannot ask Conan (Or Shinichi) anything about the rings because he would not know what they are and where they are.

He could already imagine the boy's face should he ask him about the rings.

Tsuna laid his head on the table and groaned in frustration. "Suddenly, I have so many questions to ask Kuroba-san..."

Reborn rolled his eyes and looked outside the window. Kuroba Kaito had never intended to remain in contact with them. After the call made, the group realised they can no longer return the call. It was a disposable number, meant only to give them only a temporary helping hand. They could only trust the date and place the man had given before their long call disconnected. The hitman wished he had all the answers needed before returning, having no method to communicate with the neighbourhood magician.

"Come to think of it, Kuroba Kaito is also a magician, like Altair. He is hailed to be one of the best at his age internationally, like how Kudo Shinichi is as a detective."

"They were reborn-ed to do the same things again?" Tsuna questioned.

"It's more like they carried their passion over, be it consciously or unconsciously."

Just then, Tsuna's intuition urged him to collect his mail. Confused, he stood up and went to the mailbox, where a few advertisements and coupon pamphlets were stuck haphazardly in its mouth. The brunet pulled out all the obstructions, his eyes landing on a neat pearly white envelope that sat at the bottom of the box.

Gingerly, he removed it from its resting place and inspected the letter. There was nothing special about the envelope, so he opened it. A card with a dark blue printed was inside. He took it out and read the card.

"An untold familial truthAn impossible chase to the deathMy pursuers, they won't findWhat my family tried to hide

Sakura Hotel, 1 am"

Tsuna blinked dumbfounded by the message. What's he being so cryptic for? Then, a doodle scrawled on the lower right corner. Reborn peered over his shoulder and scoffed.

"Wow. He didn't even give you a riddle. Guess he knows you can't answer the riddle. That Nakamori inspector that is always on his case for the last decade will be jealous if he receives such a card for every heist of his."

Tsuna frowned, his arms akimbo as he bit back. "Who says I can't?"

Reborn leaned back smugly. He took out a small card, just about the same size as the one in the envelope. Tsuna took one glance and quickly gave up. The riddle made no heads and tails! It seems to be giving clues about the location and the time, as well as whatever the person, whoever they are, was going to take–but it was all in riddles! Compare to what he received, what Reborn showed was way harder. The hitman cast him a glance, his gaze practically laughing at him. He slumped his shoulders and sighed.

"Okay, I'm thankful that I have no need to guess the location of the event. But Reborn, who is this?"

"You live under the rocks if you don't even know who this is. This doodle is the caricature of the internationally infamous thief, Kaitou KID–more accurately, criminal number 1412. His name 'KID' came about when Kudo Yusaku misread a reporter's handwriting."

"Uncle?!" Tsuna exclaimed, preposterous.

"Yes, your uncle named him KID. He was active a more than a decade ago, but he disappeared for ten years before returning. He always aimed for the largest jewel available, and would always plan his heist on a day with a full moon. No one really knows why, but he would always return the gems. He is also up for challenges post by other people, and would use magic to entertain and distract his audience and pursuers."

Then something went off in Reborn's mind. Why did he not notice the connection before? Did Conan know who Kaitou KID is? If he did know, he would have busted the cuffs out as soon as they met, but they did not. Vice versa. Did Kaitou KID know who Conan is after all the heist that the boy has been involved in? Perhaps because he did not understand and brushed it off the last time he heard it, but Conan had clearly called Kuroba Kaito 'kid'. Not because Shinichi is actually older than Kuroba Kaito, but because–

"You have that look that says you've found something." Tsuna interrupted.

Reborn nodded but said nothing. With his arms behind his head, he slowly walked back into the house. "For me to know, and for you to find out. Your job now is to gather whoever is available on the next coming full moon to go to the Sakura Hotel. Got it?"

"Urgh, yes."


A/N: While re-reading, I confused myself at the back. I'm so embarrassed! XD

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