Alaude's memories

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Kyoya struggled to open his eyes in the bright light. There was a man in front of him with a gentle smile on his face.

"Come on, Alaude, it's time to go." The man said. Kyoya narrowed his eyes. Alaude was known to be the most punctual person in the family. Who else is a stickler of time?

"Have you got everything ready for the trip?" A voice he recognised as Giotto rang from behind. He swerved to the back, realising that nearly the entire family was sending them off. Sending them off to where?

"Of course! My little brother helped me pack. I don't think I've left anything of importance behind," the man said. Kyoya squints his eyes to make out who the figure was. It was a male with dark blue hair. His eyes were just as dark as the night sky, drawing him in.

"Alaude? Are you okay? Stop spacing out, we have a ship to catch in two hours," The man said. Kyoya frowned but nodded his head.

Just then, the scene changed. Kyoya watched in alarm as the sky grew dark and there was a heavyweight in his arms. He looked down, shocked to see the same man from earlier lying limp with blood cascading down his forehead. There was also a chest wound and a deep gash on his forearm that was clumsily bandaged to stop the blood from flowing. He was also getting a headache as his eyes began to cloud.

"Oi, don't fall asleep," he heard himself say. He heard a low, choked laugh and a shift in weight. "I'm really tired though, Alaude. I've kept up my flames for so long, I think I deserve some rest."

"Keep talking, idiot. Or I'll arrest you when we're back in the mansion."

"By shackling me to the medical bed? We don't have the medical equipment to keep a dead man alive." The man jokingly replied. He started to cough and wheeze, and Kyoya kept running. Kept running to where? They are obviously not near any Vongola establishments then. Their surroundings were close to foreign. It was definitely a mission that was nowhere close to the Vongola Mansion if the earlier scene was just the beginning of this entire disaster.

"But you're alive, aren't you? Knuckle will definitely be able to heal you. Aside from his wise words of holy wisdom." He hears himself say.

"... Knuckle isn't here. Don't kid yourself... You talk too much, Alaude. I don't think I'll ever hear you speak so much again... You've grown quiet again. Should I use my flames to find us the shortest way to the hospital?"

"Tch! Don't use your flames, idiot!"

Kyoya squinted as he notices his surroundings blur. What was the man's flame characteristics? Based on what the dying man said, it sounds like it's a navigator-type, which is quite new amongst all the flames he knew. In the blur, suddenly, there was a flicker of light, then another, and another, forming some kind of trail.

Kyoya looked down at the man. He felt his face tighten in panic. It was not one for Alaude to express emotions but this man did it with nearly no effort.

Among the sky flames, the Cloud was propagation; the Sun was activation; the Rain was neutralisation; the Storm was Disintegration; the Lightning was fortification; the Mist was construction and the Sky was harmonisation. The Earth flames, on the other hand, was something completely out of his understanding.

He came to a stop, his hands now free of the weight. In front of him was the same man now wrapped with an abundant amount of bandages. There is a doctor saying something that did not reach his ears. His eyes were trained on the man lying still on the hospital bed. He could feel a sigh of relief as he saw the man's chest move slightly.

Just who is this person that made him so worried?

"Primo, you know they won't be coming back after this, right?"

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