The first meet

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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Kaitou KID's voice boomed in the air. The crowd below was cheering for the criminal, chanting his name fervently as the criminal magician continued.


The Vongola stood on the roof, peering over at the crowd at the foot of the building. Lambo let out a sound of awe, while Tsuna had his head in the air as he thought about his conversation with Reborn. 

"This is usually a silent affair. It was a challenge this time, so I have to go big." A voice said while their attention was on the crowd below. They turned around, surprised to see a young man dressed in godawful white garb and a white tophat, making him look like a target in the dark. The Vongola guardians took arms almost immediately, but Tsuna sensed something from the man. He took a step forward, ignoring the startled cry from Hayato. His eyes started to glow amber, his guardians' eyes followed, and so did the man before him. Tsuna widened his eyes in surprise. 

"It now all makes sense. The letter, the train, everything–" The man tutted, shaking his head at Tsuna. 

"Tonight is the night my hunters prey after me. All of you shall only watch. A favourite guest of mine have arrived tonight as well, and he'll reach the roof in his chase. I believe a wall shall fall today, and All of us shall gather under the moonlight as the truth will prevail upon us." 

Kaitou KID threw a smoke bomb on the ground and pink soon shrouded their visions. All of them coughed, hacking the dust that suddenly invaded their system, out of their airways. Hibari, feeling triggered by the man, dove into the smoke to bite him, only to strike the air. 

"Haha–koff koff! He's gone." 

"We can see that, you Baseball idiot! Koff!"

"He sure runs fast, that criminal," Mukuro commented with a knowing smirk on his face. 

Tsuna sighed and sat down on the floor. He had heard of how messy Kaitou KID's heists could be–filled with booby traps, glue and sparkling glitter. If only Reborn was around to assist them and help in his decision-making. 

Kuroba Kaito is Kaitou KID, his eyes were the dead giveaway. His letter mentioned that there will be pursuers today–it could be the task force or the organisation that is chasing after him. The thought of the organisation chasing the man only made Tsuna's headache. That was not the only thing making his intuition throb.

"I guess we can only stay up here and wait for things to happen."

There seem to be shadows in the dark after all. 

- Conan, before the heist started -

He always enjoyed chasing the International thief and had looked forward to the heist ever since catching him on the road just a few days ago because of a case. Ever since he met Kaitou KID, he would always be able to sense him whenever he was close by, but he never actively seek him out. Their playground would always be his heist, where they can both challenge and outmatch one another without worries of death. 

Yet tonight, something pricks into his mind, as if warning him not to partake in today's heist. 

"Inspector Nakamori, what is the gem this time?"

Said inspector led the Mouri's to the display, showing them a bright pink gem that was elegantly carved and attached to a diamond-covered crown. 

Ran marvelled at the gem, in awe of the shade and the object itself. It is not every day that she gets to see something of such value–and it is certainly not every day that that white-clothed thief would take up a challenge. 

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