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Ever since finding out that he had a cousin, Tsuna had been in a limbo. He wanted to learn more about this cousin of his, but the two families hardly contacted each other these days, they might as well be strangers.

Hold on, they are strangers.

But this stranger is someone he recognises! His name is huge! It would be embarrassing if such a brilliant person were to associate with him as his cousin.

"Tsuna-kun, you'll age faster if you keep frowning like that," Kyoko advised as she poked between his eyebrows. The brunet chuckled and thanked her softly.

Kyoko had been Tsuna's girlfriend for a year already. They may have known -loved- each other in their previous lives, but there has been many changes to their characters in the present. For one, Tsuna was more timid than Giotto. Kyoko was more vocal that Yuriko. Yet, they knew each other so well, it was like they were living together from the very beginning.

"Something's bothering you. I can tell. If you're comfortable sharing it, I'll be here to listen." She assured, grasping her hand around his.

Tsuna hummed in consent, bringing her hand up to his face and pressing it gently. "I found out I have a cousin. He's the only cousin I have."

Kyoko took this as good news and grinned.

"That's great! You should meet him! What's his name?"

Tsuna sighed. "That's the thing, Kyoko. I bet you know him too if I do tell you his name."

"Are you afraid that I'll be jealous?" She asked, sneaking her arms around his waist as she looked up with her big, doe-like eyes. Tsuna eyed her slightly and jokingly replied.

"Would you?"

He was paid with a rather harsh slap on his upper arm. He laughed at Kyoko's pout and pulled at her cheeks.

"All right, all right, I know you won't," he scratched his head and sighed. "He's Kudo Shinichi, that famous detective from Tokyo."

Kyoko gasped in surprise. Tsuna covered his face, expecting her to marvel at his cousin's identity and ask more questions about him, but her reply stunned him. She even hugged him tighter for who knows what.

"That's cool, Tsuna-kun!"

That's it. Tsuna gaped at her, eyes wide and mouth slightly open.

"You're not gonna ask me about his character or when I'm meeting him?"

"What for? Kudo Shinichi-san may be your cousin, but you don't know him well either. I bet you're not really that excited about meeting him too."

"I've never even met him," Tsuna whined.

"Exactly. Chin up, my dear. Don't worry too much about it. When you meet him, you'll meet him."

She snuggled up to him and lightly patted his fluffy hair. Tsuna sighed, and buried his face in her hair. Kyoko always manages to calm him down someway or the other.

It'll be alright, he told himself. His intuition was not ringing anyway.

- Downstairs -

Nana was engaged in a lively conversation with her sister, each talking animatedly about their precious son. It has been a while since they had both conversed. With Yukiko and Yusaku travelling so often, it was hard and nearly impossible to pin them down for a friendly, familial chat.

However, what she did know was that Shinichi never toured the world with them. The child had remained in Japan and solved numerous cases before he disappeared.

She may look oblivious, but she kept up to date with the news and the rumours. A disappearing nephew is something she could definitely remember.

"So, how's Tsuna-kun? Oh, I've never met the boy before, but the pictures you've sent to me tells me he's adorable!" Yukiko squealed over the phone.

Nana giggled. "He's been faring better lately! His grades have improved and he's doing better for sports. He isn't as clumsy as before too!"

"The boy sure grew up!"

"Uh huh! How about Shinichi-kun? How has he been? Did you two manage to catch up?"

There was a pause on the other side. Nana grew a little concerned.


"Ah-no, he's fine. Still scores full marks, loves soccer, and plays the violin with a quirk that he'll never understand. Hehe!"

Nana heaved a sigh of relief.

"But I think my Shin-chan had grown up!" Yukiko continued. Nana lifted an eyebrow. "You know, he used to like the attention the media gives, but lately, he found it hard to breathe with the media following him every day. He's been declining offers for interviews, and refused to stay in the spotlight. I'm so proud of him!"

Nana smiled. It was nice to know that Shinichi was alright, and that there was nothing wrong when he disappeared from the headlines. It was only because Shinichi wanted to leave the headlines and take a break, that's all.

She felt relieved.

"So would you be visiting soon?" She resumed.

"Oh yes!" Yukiko chirped. "We'll be staying in Japan for a while this time. Quality time with Shin-chan! So when Shin-chan manages to clear his schedule, we'll come over! —right, Yusaku mentioned that it's golden week next week. Silly me! We'll come over next week!"

"That's great! I can't wait to prepare a feast for you all!"

Both of them laughed.

"I'll see you all next week then!" Nana said before ending the call, feeling accomplished even though it was just a call.

With a grin on her face, she skipped up the stairs towards Tsuna's room, where the two inside chatted away. Even before she opened the door, Tsuna's voice echoed from inside.

"Come in, mum!"

Nana smiled at her son, ignoring the fact that Kyoko was hugging Tsuna around his waist. She and Iemitsu were like that when they were dating too.

"Tsuna, we'll be having guests next week!" She announced happily.

Tsuna lifted an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Yukiko-obaa-san has agreed to meet up next week! You and Shinichi-kun will be sharing a room too, as they'll be staying over."

Tsuna could hear Kyoko giggling while he stared wide-eyed at his mother.


A/N: Sorry I took a while. The chapters were slow to form. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Wishing those who celebrate it to have good health, relationships and happiness all year round!

祝大家 新年快乐! 身体健康! 心想事成! 开开心心!

Published: 23/1/2020

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